听美剧学英语:《淘小子看世界》Kid Gloves - 6(在线收听

No, of course I know your name is Donna. I mean, er, Vicky is just a little pet name I like to use. You know, like, er, honey, darling, Vicky. You are gonna hang up on me now, aren't you? Yes, you are.

Hey, how come you aren't wearing the little silver mittens dad gave you?
What? Oh, I must have left them at the pool. No big deal, I'll buy him another pair tomorrow. Eric, scuba is so cool. Look, I stayed under the water for 20 minutes.
Er, your fingers look like grandma's neck.

Hey, guys.
Hey, dad.
Hey, dad.
Ah, Cory, it occurred to me today that I never really explained to you about the gift I gave you this morning.
It's OK, dad. A gift like that doesn't really need explaining.
No, well, I explained to Eric about grandpa's buck knife after I gave it to him.
And have I told you lately just how much I loved that knife, Dad?
You know, in the navy I was on a boxing team.
Yeah, I wasn't half bad, either.
so you used to get in the ring and duke it out with other guys?
But what dose this have to do with the silver mittens?
Well, they are not silver mittens. They are silver gloves. I won them for coming in second place.
Is second place that good? I mean there's only two guys in the ring.
Not second place in one boxing match. Second in my weight division in the entire United States Navy.
Yeah. That's why I'm so proud of those little silver gloves.
So, who did you lose to, dad?
Oh, the baddest, meanest, ugliest guy in the navy. I fought him in the championship fight.
Oh, did you hear that? Cor, the championship!
Yeah, I heard it.
Oh, this was a brutal fight.
Was there blood?
Oh, buckets.
You see the funny thing is I thought it was his blood. I thought I had the fight won till the referee held up the other guy's arm. See my eye was kind of hanging out of its socket, which I should realize because I was looking at his head and shoes at the same time.
Oh, dad, you really must have fought your heart out to win those little silver gloves.
Yeah, so I lost a little depth perception. But tell you the truth, Cor, as good as it was to win those silver gloves, what was great was hoping that someday I'd have a son and pass them on to.
And did you?
Ha, yes, I did, ha.
Well, I thought you guys just like to hear about it. So, er, I'll see you at dinner.
See you, dad.