老外最常用的英文短语 第569期:Do you think (that)(在线收听

   Do you think (that) 你觉得……吗?

  Do you think she'll become a model? 你觉得她能成为一个模特吗?
  Do you think we should go there? 你觉得我们应该去那吗?
  Do you think there's a chance I could have a date with Susie? 你觉得我能有机会和苏琪约会吗?
  Don't you think it's a little too early? 你不觉得有点早?
  Do you think that it will break again? 你觉得这会重新坏掉吗?
  No, I don't think so. I replaced all the damaged parts.  不,我不那么认为。我已经把所有损坏的零件都给换了。