听美剧学英语:《淘小子看世界》Kid Gloves - 8(在线收听

Mr. Matthews! Mr. Matthews! Mr. Matthews!


Mr. Matthews! Didn't you hear a word I said today? Diving alone is not only stupid, it's dangerous. There isn't even a lifeguard on duty. This is gotta be the most half-baked idea you've ever had!

No, no, it was fully baked.

Look, Mr. Feeny, you have to listen to me. I lost my father's silver gloves, and I have to find them.

You're dripping on my oxfords. Now, put your clothes on and go home!

Cory! Thank God, you are alive! Oh, now, I'm gonna kill you!

I'm sorry, mom. Dad, I'm sorry. I lost your silver gloves. I didn't know how important they were to you.

Mr. Feeny just called and said you snuck into the wire and you were diving by yourself.

Is that true?

Well, I tried to find the gloves.

Cory, I don't care about those gloves.

Dad, yes, you do, you know you do.

Yes, I care about them, and that's why I gave them to you, and when I was young and in the navy, they were the most important thing in the world to me. But now, I don't care if I lose those silly gloves, I care if I lose you! Huh, you understand that?

Maybe it's best if I never leave home. Bad things only happen when I leave.

Alan, he's grounding himself, don't let him take that away from us.

Sorry, mom. Go ahead and ground away.

Why don't you just go upstairs, dry off and go to bed?

Words & Information:

half-baked: Informal. Insufficiently thought out 不成熟的
oxfords: low shoes laced over the instep 牛津鞋
dry off: 弄干