听美剧学英语:《淘小子看世界》The Play's the Thing - 2(在线收听

Cory, I don't wanna be a windmill any more.

Morgan, you have to work with me. I'm not gonna be humiliated again in front of everyone on New Jersey shore.

You and dad are gonna get your butts kicked.

Not this year. Mom and Eric's winning streak is over.

Over there?

Hey, Cor. Can I borrow some cash?

You're the one with the job, I'm allowance boy.

Er, they cut our salaries 5% at the market. Now, look, I could've gone to anybody for cash, but I came to you, 'cause we are family. I mean, we're like brothers. You're the closest person in the world to me, Cor.

And your name is?

Alright, look, for 5 bucks, you never tell mom, I'll throw the Goofy Golf Tournament this year.

Hey, dad and I don't need you guys to take a dive for us to win.

Yeah, you do.


To be or not to be—that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of blah blah blah blah blah blah... Mr. Feeny, who wrote this garbage?

Some say Shakespeare's plays were written by a group of individuals, but I don't necessarily believe that.

I personally subscribe to the Francis Bacon theory.

I go with the Jimmy Dean sausage theory.

Please continue, Mr. Matthews.

OK. To die—to sleep, no more—and by a sleep to say we end the heartache. Can I please stop whining and shove a sword through somebody's guts?

Yes, as soon as you get to the Queen's chamber.

See, there's your problem right there. You want murder, you want suspense, you don't go to your mother's bedroom.

And how are you going to improve the greatest play in English literature?

Well, for starters, let's set this scene in a burning skyscraper. Then I could do a sort of Bruce Willis thing, you know, shooting UZIs, blowing away terrorists, jumping out windows. All this guy Hamlet does is talk. He even talks when nobody's there.

Prince Hamlet finds himself in the middle of a terrible dilemma. Whatever course of action he chooses could have dire consequences. He is racked with indecision. He is one of literature's most human characters.

You mean most wimpy characters. Wimps talk, heroes do stuff.

The gospel according to Jean-Claude Van Damme.

Words & Information:

windmill : A windmill is a building with long pieces of wood on the outside which turn around as the wind blows and provide energy for a machine that crushes grain. A windmill is also a similar structure that is used to convert the power of the wind into electricity. 风车;风车房

wimpy : If you describe a person or their behaviour as wimpy, you disapprove of them because they are weak and seem to lack confidence or determination. 【俚】懦弱的,无用的,哭哭啼啼的

throw: In sports, if a player throws a game or contest, they lose it as a result of a deliberate action or intention.【口】故意输掉(比赛等)

winning streak: a series of consecutive successes, a run of good luck (gambling)