木偶奇遇记 第146期:匹诺曹落入鱼腹(8)(在线收听

   "Help! Help!" he cried. "Oh, poor me! Won't someone come to save me?" 他喊着:“救命啊!救命啊!噢,我真苦命啊!没人能来这儿救我吗?”

  "Who is there to help you, unhappy boy?" said a rough voice, like a guitar out of tune. “谁能来救你呢?不幸的孩子。”一个嘶哑声音说到,这声音像是走调的吉他弦发出来的。
  "Who is talking?" asked Pinocchio, frozen with terror. “谁在说话?”皮诺乔问到,吓呆了。
  "It is I, a poor Tunny swallowed by the Shark at the same time as you. And what kind of a fish are you?" “是我!是一条可怜的金枪鱼,跟你一起同时被鲨鱼吞进来的。你是什么鱼?”
  "I have nothing to do with fishes. I am a Marionette." “我不是鱼类,我是一个木偶。”
  "If you are not a fish, why did you let this monster swallow you?" “你不是鱼,怎么让这怪物吞了?”
  "I didn't let him. He chased me and swallowed me without even a 'by your leave'! “并不是我让它这么做的,他追上我就毫不客气地把我吞了!
  And now what are we to do here in the dark?" 咱们这会儿漆黑一片的该怎么办?”
  "Wait until the Shark has digested us both, I suppose." “我猜咱们只能等鲨鱼把咱俩给消化掉了。”
  "But I don't want to be digested," shouted Pinocchio, starting to sob. “我可不想被它给消化掉。”皮诺乔叫起来,又开始抽泣起来。
  "Neither do I," said the Tunny, "but I am wise enough to think that if one is born a fish, “我也不想,”金枪鱼接下去说,“但我的聪明才智足够让想到既然我生下来是鱼,
  it is more dignified to die under the water than in the frying pan." 那么死在水里总比死在油锅里更体面些。”
  "What nonsense!" cried Pinocchio. “蠢话!”皮诺乔叫道。