听美剧学英语:《淘小子看世界》The Play's the Thing - 4(在线收听

I just sank 18 in a row. You and mom are Goofy Golf has-beens.

I think we'll just keep our trophy on the shelf, the tournament has been canceled.


Remember that 5% pay cut at the market? Dad's pay got cut, too. He says we can't afford to go away this year.

Eric, what are you talking about? Dad's the boss, he can do whatever he wants. Dad? Dad, what's the stuff about us not going to New Jersey shore?

Er, well, sorry, Cor. But mom and I had to cancel that trip.

How come you did this pay-cut thing now?

Well, it wasn't my decision.

Well, whose decision was it?

Bob Williams'.

So just fire him.

I can't, he's the boss.

I thought you were the manager.

Well, I am the manager, but he's the district manager. Then above him, there's a lot of other bosses.

Oh, come on, dad. There must be something you can do.

Well, what do you suggest?

I suggest dad can do anything he wants.

Well, there are other people I'd consider Cor, like, er, my employees.

Yeah, but I mean, you are not some spear-carrier.

No, but I'm not exactly running the show, either.

Well, dad, I think you should go in there and talk to them. And if they don't wanna do it your way, then you just quit.

Huh, you think that's simple, uh?

Yeah, throw a little weight around. Trust me, it feels good.


Let me ask you something. Do you think of me as a spear-carrier?

You know, the trick to raising a 12-year-old is ignore him.

Can I ignore the people at work, I mean, do they see me as good old do-what-is-told Allen Matthews? Allen won't complain, Allen's a company guy. There is aisle 4 with this spear.

Dear, I thought the spears are on aisle 5.

I moved them next to the slings and the arrows. Now, but really, I really think I've got to do something here.

Well, I think we both know what you are gonna do.

No, you don' know what I'm going to do.

Oh, you aren't gonna talk to Bob Williams?

OK, you know what I'm going to do, but, er, you don't know what I'm going to say.

And neither do you, that's the problem.

You don't think I can control my temper with Bob, do you?

Look, Allen Matthews, Bob Williams. Bob, Allen has something he'd like to say to you.

Bob has less hair.

Talk to the man.

Bob, Bob, Bob. I've got 150 people who are working very hard and being squeezed very tight by this rollback. And my store's outperforming all the other Market Giants in the great Philadelphia area. And I feel that this rollback is neither warranted nor fair.

Calm, succinct, rational. Gee, I'm just not attracted to you any more. Good night, sweet. Night, Bob.

Night, good-looking. Now, that I've got you alone. Bob, let me show you what I've always wanted to do with your head. Now, my wife will call that cranky.

Words & Information:

rollback: A rollback is a reduction in price or some other change that makes something like it was before. (mainly AM) (物价、利率等的)回降;削减