听美剧学英语:《淘小子看世界》 Boy Meets Girls-4(在线收听

I'm gonna go sit with Hilary.
Oh, yeah, nothing's changed. Alright, Shawn wants to be with a girl? To complete that game, first stop, research. Minkus, let's talk Perky.
Ah, your telegram has finally arrived.
No, this isn't romance. It's revenge.
Two sides of the same hormone.
Alright, bottom line: what does that magazine say you've gotta do to get a girl to go out with you?
Me? Almost nothing. But you are gonna take some effort.
And you wonder why you sit alone at lunch.
Here's your first dating tip.
All right.
Don't insult the boy with the Perkies.
I'm sorry. Alright, so what do I have to do?
According to the survey in the September issue, what do you think is the No.1 thing girls want from a guy?
Uh, loose change?
That's No.9. The No.1 thing is shared interest.
And that means...?
Cory, this isn't algebra. This is something you could conceivably understand.
Shared interests. Talk to me.
If she is into something, you show your interest in it. Example, if the girl you are dating is interested in numismatics, you talk about...?
Alright, give me No.2 on that list, just in case I can't fake an interest in something.
Sense of humor.
No problem. I'm a regular laughwright. Alright, so how do I select the lucky girl?
Well, just think of someone you are completely comfortable with, someone you can share a meal with and someone who doesn't mind having you around.
Well, my mom's already taken.
Cory, just go for the first thing in a dress.
Dress, dress... Topanga!
Yes, Cory?
So, what's interesting in your life right now?
Well, Mercury is in retrograde making projects difficult to complete and causing general chaos in the universe.
You know, not only is that unbelievably interesting, it reminds me of a joke I once heard. How does the astrologer cross the road?
I don't know.
In his Taurus. But I kid the zodiac. Um, would you like to go to Bob Stupcheck's Burger World after school?
Cory, I'm a vegetarian.
Of course you are. That's why we are just gonna meet at Burger World and walk over to International House of Salads.
I love IHOS.
Who doesn't?
OK. Gee, I wonder what the sprout of the day is.
Who cares? You can't go wrong with a nice bowl of spaghetti and sprout balls. So I'll just meet you at 4:30.
OK, it's a date.
A date? Who said anything about a date? What've I done!

Words & Information:

zodiac: The zodiac is a diagram used by astrologers to represent the positions of the planets and stars. It is divided into twelve sections, each of which has its own name and symbol. The zodiac is used to try to calculate the influence of the planets, especially on someone's life.