
   A Tory official in Ealing Central and Acton, another Remain-backing London constituency that is second on the hit list, wants a “Tory with a heart”. 一位来自伊灵中部和阿克顿(支持留欧选区,也是托利党黑名单上的地区)托利党官员表示:“希望托利党有良知”。

  The tight timetable should help Mrs May to choose sympathetic candidates. 紧凑的日程应该有助于梅丽莎挑选一些有共鸣的候选人。
  Normally, local Conservative associations spend months carefully choosing their parliamentary candidate. 通常情况下,每个地区的保守党联合会可能会花上几个月的时间仔细挑选候选人。
  Activists tend to be to the right of the parliamentary party, and most would dearly love to choose hard-Brexit candidates. 积极分子们通常有右翼倾向,他们中的大部分非常愿意挑选强硬脱欧分子作为候选人。
  Garry Heath, a member of the Wycombe Conservative Association, wrote on the ConservativeHome blog that the Tories should “purge our party and deselect the Remainers”. 威科姆保守党联合会成员加里·希斯在“保守党之家”网站上留言写到,托利党应该清除党内的留欧支持者。
  Yet with the election only seven weeks away, there is little time for local parties to scour the land for suitable hardliners. 然而离大选还有不到七周时间,各地党派已经没有足够的时间为强硬脱欧派争取席位了。
  Conservative Central Office is expected to step in and present local associations with a shortlist of candidates. 保守党中心办公室有望介入其中并且大致列出一张候选人名单。
  These lists will reflect Mrs May's politics; in turn, the candidates will be loyal to her if elected. 这些名单将会反应特蕾莎的政策;当然,如果特蕾莎女士真的当选的话,这些候选人也会对她忠心耿耿。
  The easiest option in many cases will be simply to reselect the candidate who stood in the 2015 election. 最简单的方法就是在2015年参加大选的候选人中挑选候选人。
  Back then, most of the party's leadership was in favour of Remaining, albeit reluctantly. 当时,大部分的党派领导人即使是不情愿,也都表示支持留欧。
  Whatever happens, it looks as if Mrs May's prospective new MPs are unlikely to give her too much trouble. 不管发生什么,看起来特蕾莎的潜在新议员们不会给她造成太大的麻烦。