
   Asia 亚洲

  1MDB: Cleaning up 1MDB:清算
  A mammoth financial scandal is being brushed under the carpet. 一桩巨大的金融丑闻正悄然发生。
  For the past year 1MDB—a Malaysian state investment firm at the heart of one of the world's biggest financial scandals—has been locked in dispute with IPIC,  一年来,1MDB(马来西亚国有投资公司,它正身陷世界上最大的金融丑闻之一)和IPIC
  a sovereign-wealth fund from the oil-rich emirate of Abu Dhabi, with which it was once chummy. (阿布扎比-产油酋长国之一的一家主权财富基金)正陷入纠纷,此前它与IPIC关系亲密。
  Terse statements released on April 24th suggest the pair are finally making up. 4月24日发布的简短声明,暗示双方终于和解。
  1MDB has agreed to pay IPIC $1.2bn, reportedly to settle a complaint that it reneged on the terms of a bail-out IPIC provided in 2015. 1MDB同意支付IPIC12亿美元,据悉该公司已就其违反2015年向IPIC缴纳一项保释金的条款达成了和解。
  The two companies have also agreed to enter into “good-faith discussions” about other disputed payments, which may total as much as $3.5bn. 关于其他有争议的款项,两家公司同意进行“诚意磋商”,总金额高达35亿美元。
  Past dealings between 1MDB and IPIC are a focus for investigators hunting huge sums that have gone missing from the Malaysian state-owned company since its founding in 2009. 1MDB和IPIC的往来交易成为焦点,因为调查员正在搜寻一笔巨额款项,这笔钱是2009年创立的马来西亚国有公司的钱。
  In 2012 IPIC offered to guarantee loans that 1MDB needed to acquire two power firms. 2012年 IPIC因为1MDB需要收购两家电力公司,为其提供了担保贷款。
  But IPIC said last year that it had never received collateral and other monies supposedly due to it under this deal. 但IPIC去年表示,在这个交易中,它从未收到过任何抵押和其他款项。
  Instead 1MDB appears to have wired payments to an account held by an unrelated shell company registered in the British Virgin Islands,  然而1MDB表示已经支付,它支付的账户是一个注册地在英属维京群岛的空壳公司,
  which had adopted a name similar to that of one of IPIC's subsidiaries. 该公司名称和IPIC的子公司名称相似。