
   Last July investigators at America's Justice Department said they thought that this ruse had allowed conspirators to liberate more than $1.3bn from 1MDB's coffers  去年七月,美国司法部的调查人员表示,他们认为这个诡计让阴谋家从1MDB金库获得了13亿多美元

  (opposition politicians in Malaysia maintain that the sum lost is in fact far greater). (相反马来西亚的政治家坚持认为,实际上失去的数目是更多的)。
  America alleges that former officials from both IPIC and 1MDB benefited from the swindle. 美国声称,IPIC和1MDB的前官员从这场骗局中获益。
  They also claim that more than $200m of the missing money went to an account controlled by Riza Aziz—the stepson of Najib Razak, Malaysia's prime minister 他们还声称,消失不见的2亿多美元转到了一个由马来西亚总理Najib Razak的继子Riza Aziz控制的账户里,
  and that $30m went to Mr Najib himself. (Both deny wrongdoing.) 并且有3000万美元到了Najib先生自己账户里。(他们都否认了欺骗行径。)
  That 1MDB and IPIC are beginning to bury the hatchet is probably a relief for bigwigs implicated in the affair,  1MDB与IPIC将化干戈为玉帛,这可能让被卷入此事的人安心,
  even if many humbler Malaysians are wondering how the billion-or-so dollars immediately due to IPIC will be found. 即使很多马来西亚人疑惑为什么因为IPIC而使得上亿的美元被立即发现。
  Although investigations are continuing in America, Switzerland and Singapore,  虽然在美国,瑞士和新加坡的调查还在继续,
  the authorities in Malaysia itself have charged no one in connection with any of 1MDB's dubious dealings. 马来西亚当局并没有指控任何一家与1MDB有可疑交易的人。
  Mr Najib fired an attorney-general looking into the scandal; the successor Mr Najib appointed  Najib先生解雇了一名调查这起丑闻的总检察长,被指定为下一任继承者的Najib先生认为
  concluded that $681m paid to Mr Najib in 2013 was a donation from foreign royalty, not in any way related to 1MDB. 在2013年支付给他的6.81亿美元是来自外国皇室的捐款,与1MDB无关。
  Many voters in rural seats either do not understand the affair or do not care about it. 许多农村的选民不理解或根本不在乎这桩案件。
  It is rumoured that the prime minister will call a general election later this year, in the hope of benefiting from the opposition's interminable squabbling. 谣传总理今年后期会举行大选,并希望从反对党无休止的争吵中获益。
  As things stand, he will probably clean up. 就目前的情况来看,他可能会进行整顿。