经济学人:巴基斯坦餐馆 食品安全问题曝光(2)(在线收听

   Pakistan's government, however, is keen on food inspections. 然而巴基斯坦政府热心于食品监察工作。

  In the past two months it has approved an expansion of the PFA's operations from cities to rural areas,  在过去的两个月里,政府批准将PFA的职能范围从城市地区扩大到农村地区,
  and signed off on the creation of equivalent agencies in the province of Sindh and in Islamabad, the capital. 并且签署法令,在信德省和首都伊斯兰堡成立同等职能的部门。
  A fomer PFA official, Ayesha Mumtaz, made it wildly popular. 前PFA官员艾莎·蒙塔兹大张旗鼓地行事。
  In just over a year at the agency, she ordered almost 3,000 restaurants to close until they had made improvements, and arrested close to 400 people for selling dodgy fare. 在这个机构仅呆了一年,她就让近3000家餐馆关门直到它们做出改善,她还逮捕了近400位兜售假票的票贩子。
  She transformed the food culture of Lahore, says Yasmin Khan, a restaurant-owner. 餐馆主Yasmin Khan评论道,她改变了拉合尔的饮食文化。
  Lookalikes of the so-called “fearless lady” used to send the kebab-hawkers on Anarkali Food Street running for cover. 这位“无畏女士”的同事通常只会让卖烤肉串的小贩到阿纳尔克里食品街避避风头。
  Mrs Mumtaz has 61,000 fans on Facebook; the central-government minister responsible for food safety has barely 4,000. 蒙塔兹女士在Facebook上拥有61000位粉丝,而负责食品安全的中央政府部长才仅仅有4000人。
  But she made enemies in the food business and among politicians connected with it. 但是餐饮界的不法商贩和与他们有所勾结的政界人物视她为敌。
  She was removed from her post in October, after allegations of corruption involving her driver surfaced. 十月,在众多指控称她的司机涉及腐败案后,她被调离了岗位。
  Since then, Lahoris say, there has been a lull in inspections. 拉合尔居民说,从那之后食品检查就暂停了。
  The fear Mrs Mumtaz inspired still keeps some food-sellers on their toes. 蒙塔兹女士激发的恐惧依然让部分食物商紧张不已。
  “If Ayesha Mumtaz wasn't so strict, I wouldn't be wearing this glove,” says a cupcake-salesman who had not realised that she had been replaced. “如果艾莎·蒙塔兹不那么严格的话,我就不用戴这个手套了,”说这话的纸杯蛋糕商一直不知道蒙塔兹已经不在职了。
  But as temperatures rise and inspections wane, others are already abandoning their bothersome hygienic garb. 但是随着温度的上升和检查力度的减弱,其他的人已经不再穿麻烦的卫生服了。