经济学人:网络监管 自行其道(下)(在线收听

   Kenneth Jarrett, head of the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, argues that the law's far-reaching restrictions could harm both foreign firms and cross-border trade. 上海美国商会领事季瑞达·贾勒特认为,就长远看来,这项法律的局限性不利于外企和跨国贸易的发展。

  The law's ambiguity is forcing MNCs in many industries to reconsider how they hold data, and Chinese consumers may pay the price. 网络安全法的不明确,迫使许多跨国工业公司重新考虑如何保留信息,而中国用户可能要为此付出代价。
  A foreign firm used to monitor its energy turbines in China from its headquarters, using its real-time global data to optimise operations;  过去,外企只需在总部监管其在中国的用户信息,利用实时全局数据来优化操作;
  it now keeps the Chinese information on the mainland, efficiency be damned. 现在,要是将中国用户的数据信息存储在中国境内,效率就会大打折扣。
  A provider of global online education was sending data on Chinese users overseas to allow them to access its courses abroad;  过去,环球在线教育的供应商将中国用户的数据输送到海外,以便这些用户接受其海外课程;
  it is now rejigging its IT system to keep such data inside China and may have to curtail its offerings. 现在,供应商调整了信息系统,将此类数据保留至中国,或者说是不得不减少输送。
  The second big worry about the new law is that it may be a Trojan horse designed to promote China's aggressive policy of indigenous innovation. 其次,网络安全法可能是中国式的特洛伊木马――为提升本土创新能力的侵袭政策。
  This push has already led Microsoft, an American software giant,  这一推动已经使得美国软件龙头公司微软,
  to enter into a local joint venture and reveal its source code to officials in order to sell a local version of its Windows 10 operating system. 为出售中国版Windows10操作系统,与当地企业合资,将其源代码告知中国行政人员。
  Other foreign technology firms fret that they will be forced to divulge intellectual property to government inspectors,  而国外其它科技公司还在忧心,必须要将知识产权告知于政府监管人员的同时,
  with no guarantees that such secrets will not be passed on to local rivals. 却无法保证这些机密不会泄露到当地竞争者手里。
  They are right to worry, say legal experts. 法学专家认为,这些公司的担忧并非毫无道理的。
  Officials may also decide that certain foreign services do not pass the nebulous test of being secure and controllable. 行政人员或许还决定了,某些国外服务无法达到所谓安全可控的检测要求。
  This uncertainty is already boosting the fortunes of such local vendors as Huawei and Lenovo, makers of servers and other hardware,  这种不可控因素已提升了华为和联想、服务商与其他硬件制造商等本土供应商的机遇,
  as well as Tencent and Alibaba, both of whom are making a big push into cloud services. 包括腾讯和阿里巴巴在内,大小企业都在大举进军云服务领域。
  Informed sources say these firms have had a hand in crafting the new law. 据知情人士说,正是这些公司参与了网络安全法的起草。
  The local champions should not celebrate quite yet. 但是本土公司要庆祝胜利还为时尚早。
  As Mr Cheng observes, China's best technology companies are increasingly active abroad, and so they too will need to harness international flows of consumer data in the future. 罗纳德·程提出,中国的科技巨擎在海外的发展蒸蒸日上,未来也需用到用户数据跨境流动。
  A law that seems rigged in favour of locals ultimately may end up harming both Chinese firms and consumers. 看似支持当地企业的法律最终或影响到中国企业与用户。