听美剧学英语:《淘小子看世界》 I Dream of Feeny - 5(在线收听

Yesterday we were absolutely enthralled by the first 1600 exciting lines of Beowulf. Can anyone recap for us?
Hrothgar, king of the Danes, on the island of Zealand has built the mead hall Heorot for feasting his warriors, but they abandoned it because of the murderous ravages of the monster Grendel.
Is it just me, or does anyone else wanna absolutely hurl from boredom?
Do you have a problem with Beowulf?
Yeah, my problem is nobody cares, I don't need this. Why am I gonna need this? No one has ever needed this. And let me make myself even clearer, Beowulf, needed? No. And on a completely side issue, who names your baby Hrothgar?
Are you through?
No, as a matter of fact, I am not. I don't think we need geography either.
Well, this is a school, what do you think we should do here?
I think we should sit around and talk about whatever we want. And you should make us cup cakes.
Cory Matthews, you are so right.
Shawn, Shawn, wake up, I fixed everything.
Thank you for stopping me from wasting my entire life. I mean, I would have ended up just like Mr. Feeny who believes in geography and mathematics and all that other garbage you'll never need.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is a teacher.
Cory, you pass these out to everybody.
When did you bake these?
Just the second.
I almost totally object to this flagrant desecration of the temple of knowledge.
Stuff it, nerd boy.

Words & Information:

flagrant : You can use flagrant to describe an action, situation, or someone's behaviour that you find extremely bad or shocking in a very obvious way.
desecration : If someone desecrates something which is considered to be holy or very special, they deliberately damage or insult it.