听歌学英语:我是你唯一 I'm the Only One(在线收听

Yeah, you're lookin' at the truth, the money never lie, no
耶 耶 摆在你面前的是真情实意 为你挥霍的金钱不会有假
I'm the one yeah, I'm the one
就是我 别无其他
Early morning in the dawn know you wanna ride now (let's ride)
清晨天未亮 我就知道你这老司机想“开车”
I'm the one yeah (let's ride)
只有我 总能读透你的想法
I'm the one yeah

And you sick of all those other imitators
Don't let the only real one intimidate ya
See you watchin', don't run outta time now
见你还在张望 别再浪费时间抉择不定啦
I'm the one yeah, oh-eh-oh-oh-oh, eh-oh
I'm the one, oh-eh-oh-oh-oh, eh-oh

Quavo! I'm the one that hit that same spot (hit it)
你懂得 我总能满足女人的那方面需要
She the one that bring them rain drops (rain drops)
她美到爆 男人们愿为她洒下钱雨和珠宝 【Raindrops, drop tops - "Bad and Boujee"】
We go back, remember criss-cross and hopscotch? (hopscotch)
回想孩童时代 还记得我两一起游戏时的欢乐吗?【criss-cross和hopscotch一方面指孩子小时候玩的游戏 比如“跳格子” 但也有“性”方面的意思】
You the one that hold me down when the block's hot (hot)
而现在 街头生活的水深火热 你是我最可靠的后盾
I make your dreams come true when you wake up (dream)
某天当你从睡梦中醒来 你会发现梦想都变为了现实
And your look's just the same without no make-up
Had to pull up on your mama, see what you're made of (mama)
想拜访你的老妈 看看你是不是遗传了她的美丽容貌
Ain't gotta worry 'bout them commas 'cause my cake up
再也不必担心钱的问题 因为我已经赚的盆钵满钵
You can run inside my life from that fame bus
你闯进我的生活 我带你搭上那“成名巴士”
'Cause I promise when we step out you’ll be famous
相信我 关系一旦曝光 你的名字必定是家喻户晓
Modern day Bonnie and Clyde what they named us
“当代雌雄大盗” 是我们的新绰号
'Cause when we pull up (prr prr) all angles
每当我们走出座驾 闪光灯总会从四面八方打来

Okay though
Uh, she beat her face up with that new Chanel
She like the price, she see the ice, it make her coochie melt
她看我戴着天价真钻 就想与我激情交欢
When I met her in the club I asked her who she felt
我在夜店认识她 问她:你对谁最有感觉?
Then she went and put that booty on that Gucci belt
We don't got no label
我们可不需要签什么厂牌【Chance The Rapper未签约任何厂牌 】
She say she want bottles, she ain't got no table
她说她想来几瓶 可她连卡座都开不起
She don't got no bed frame, she don't got no tables
家里面床架子 甚至一张桌子都没有
We just watching Netflix, she ain't got no cable,okay though
最后只能看看Netflix 她家却连有线电视都没有(那我们只好干那啥了)
Plug, plug, plug, I'm the plug for her
我对于她就像个插头(提款机) 有求必应
She want a nigga that pull her hair and hold the door for her
她的梦中情人 要有扯她头发时的霸道 也要有为她留门的细心照料
Baby, that's only me, bitch, it okay with me
宝贝 符合要求的人只有我 但我无所谓
Baby, okay, okay though

Lookin' for the one? Well, bitch, you’re lookin' at the one
I’m the best yet, and yet my best is yet to come
已是说唱界的佳话 不仅如此 我还要成为史上最伟大
'Cause I've been lookin' for somebody, not just any fuckin' body
我寻找着一个人 可不是随随便便就能找到的人
Don't make me catch a body, that's for any and everybody
可别逼我动手 不然你们没一个能活下来
Oh my God! She hit me up all day, get no response
偶买噶 她电话轰炸我一整天 我才懒得理她
Bitch, you blow my high, that's like turnin' gold to bronze
你真是扫我的兴 那感觉就像把真金变成了铜
Roll my eyes
And when she on the molly she a zombie
她磕了摇头丸 走起路来就像个僵尸
She think we Clyde and Bonnie, but it's more like Whitney and Bobby
还觉得我两是“雌雄大盗”那样的天作之合 其实更像Bobby Brown和Whitney Houston的失败婚姻【两人2006年离婚】
God, forgive me
Tunechi F finessin', I'm a legend
小童奇爱嗑药 但也是个传奇人物【Lil Wayne常称自己为Weezy Finisher or Tunechi Finisher】
Straight up out The Crescent, fly your bae down for the Essence
从新奥尔良发迹 让你马子飞过来参加Essence黑人音乐节【Crescent City = New Orleans, Louisiana】
For the record I knew Khaled when that boy was spinnin' records
特此声明 DJ Khaled还在打碟时我就认识他了
Mula gang winnin' record, I'm just flexin' on my exes, oh God!
Young Money 阔少组合赢到手软 我对着所有前任都显摆显摆

Don't you know, girl, don't you know, girl
女孩你知道吗 知道吗
I am the one for you (I'm the one) yeah, I'm the one
Don't you know, girl, don't you know, girl
I am the one for you (I'm the one) yeah, I'm the one

carpe diem ['kɑ:pei'di:?m] (拉丁语)及时行乐,抓住今天
to eat, drink and be merry吃,喝,快快乐乐,吃喝玩乐
He suggested we leave the rest of the work for another day, for he was in the mood to eat, drink, and be merry. 他建议我们把余下的工作留到日后做,因为他当时一心只想着吃喝玩乐。
To eat, drink and be merry. This is my motto in life!‘吃喝玩乐’是我的人生格言。
Debbie Downer
Debbie downer refers to those who are so negative and always bring down the mood of other people.Debbie downer形容一个人特消极,老说丧气话打击别人的人。
We shouldn't let a Debbie downer ruin our high spirits.我们不要让一个衰神/扫兴的人坏了我们的兴致。
Try to put yourself in her shoes and you'll understand. 设身处地从她的角度想,你就会理解了。
You are telling me to put myself in her shoes. Yeah, I guess I'm being a little harsh.你是在让我为她设身处地想一下是吧。也许吧,我可能太不体贴了(是有点过分了)。
spoiler (spoiler ['sp?il?]n.损坏东西的人;破坏事物者;宠坏该人的人)
A spoiler will reveal the ending of the movie to you when you'd rather find it out by yourself. Spoiler的意思就是在你不愿意的情况下(有人)提前透露电影的结局。
Spoilers can really ruin the fun of watching a movie!提前知道了剧情会让看电影的过程显得特别无趣。
That's why people write a warning at the beginning of a review, which says "the following review contains spoilers."这也就是为什么一篇影评会在一开头就警告读者‘本文有剧透!’
5. 修身
figure-flattering (['fl?t?r??] adj. 奉承的;谄媚的)
A lot of women find black to be a figure-flattering color.很多女士发现黑色特别修身/显瘦。
The clothes are figure-flattering.这衣服很修身。
petty ['p?ti] adj. 琐碎的;小气的;小规模的
You can say a person is petty.It means that person is narrow-minded and mean. 当用petty形容一个人的时候,意思就是指这个人心胸狭窄带人不友善。
You have no idea how petty she is.你不知道,她这人特别小心眼。
is/get bamboozled
bamboozle [b?m'buzl] vt. 欺骗;使迷惑
I almost got bamboozled. 我差点就被忽悠了。
No sense of direction 没有方向感: 路痴啦!
People with no sense of direction can easily get lost. 路痴经常迷路。
