打工姐妹花第二季 第13期:误会一场(在线收听

   Martin, we just have one question. Where's the money? 马丁,我们有个问题。钱呢?

  I'm sorry, what? Where's...the money? What? 抱歉,你说什么?钱...在哪里?什么?
  She's asking where the money is. 她问你钱藏哪去了
  Oh! Uh, what money? 哦!什么钱啊?
  The money in the cup, daddy. 奖杯里的钱啊,老爸。
  The money you hid in the cup that was supposed to be for my future? Where's my 60 grand? 你为我未来所预留的钱啊?我的6万块在哪里?
  Which, for anyone who might be watching my lips, we were going to give all to charity. 给所有可能在读我唇的人,我们是要拿那笔钱去做公益。
  Sweetheart, why do you think I would hide money, 宝贝,你怎么会觉得我有藏钱呢。
  Besides the fact I'm here for hiding money? 虽然我被关就是因为藏了钱
  Well, that might have been my fault. 这可能是我的错
  No, it's not her fault, daddy. It's yours. 老爸,这不是她的错。是你的。
  You were supposed to take care of me, and you didn't. You didn't think about me at all. 你本应该好好照顾我,可你却没有。你从没为我想过。
  And it's not just me. You hurt a lot of people. 不只是我,你伤了那么多人。
  Do you ever even think about them? 你想过他们的感受吗
  Yes, I do. Now, every day, but I also think about what I did to you every day, all day. 有啊。我现在每日每夜地想,但我也想到我对你做的事,整天都在想。
  I mean, back then, when I figured out a way to get free money, 我是说,以前,当我想到如何捞不劳而获的钱时
  all I could think about was the money. I hear that. 我脑子里想的全是钱。嗯哼。
  But I really did wanna give you something for your future, sweetheart, 可我是真心想送你的未来一份礼,宝贝,
  which is why I asked Max to make sure that you got that cup. 所以我才请麦克斯来确保你会去把奖杯弄到手。
  And I know it's only tin, but it's the most valuable thing I could give you, 虽然只是个锡奖杯,但那是我能给你最有价值的东西了,
  because it'll remind you that no matter how hard the circumstances, 因为它能提醒你,无论境况有多糟糕,
  you could get over any hurdle, even the ones I put in front of you. 没有你越不过的难关,我给你带来的阻碍,你也能大步跨过。