2014年CRI 习近平主席接受俄罗斯电视台专访谈中俄关系(在线收听


Chinese President Xi Jinping says

he is "very satisfied" with the fruitful development of China-Russia relations.

He said in the exclusive interview with Rossiya TV that

the bilateral relationship has entered a phase that boasts the most solid foundation,

the highest level of mutual trust and the greatest regional and global influence ever.

Xi Jinping said China-Russia cooperation has so far borne rich fruit,

not only promoting the development and prosperity of both countries,

but also helping safeguard international justice, stability and peace.

Referring to his latest meeting with Russian president Putin on Thursday, Xi Jinping said

the two sides agreed to unswervingly support each other on issues concerning their core interests

and turn political advantages in their relations into cooperation advantages.

Chinese President Xi Jinping says he is "very satisfied" with the fruitful development of China-Russia relations.

He said in the exclusive interview with Rossiya TV that the bilateral relationship has entered a phase that boasts the most solid foundation, the highest level of mutual trust and the greatest regional and global influence ever.

Xi Jinping said China-Russia cooperation has so far borne rich fruit, not only promoting the development and prosperity of both countries, but also helping safeguard international justice, stability and peace.

Referring to his latest meeting with Russian president Putin on Thursday, Xi Jinping said the two sides agreed to unswervingly support each other on issues concerning their core interests and turn political advantages in their relations into cooperation advantages.
