英语角-圆桌会议RoundTable0913 - 上海玉佛寺大雄宝殿7天漂移30米!(在线收听

   Topic1-Shanghai's 135-year-old temple makes historic move

  An ancient Buddhist temple seated in the heart of Shanghai, one of the most populous city populous cities in the world with a population of more than 24 million, has made a historic move literally.
  The temple has been picked up and moved to a nearby spot in its entirety in a matter of 7 days.
  How this plan has been carried out? Why it's urgent? How can technology support the preservation of historic buildings?
  Round Table, Heart to Heart
  We will air questions from listeners and answer them on the live show. Have your question been chosen? You'll need to listen to find out!
  Topic2-In your 20s, here are the mistakes you can avoid
  In our 20s, we feel like we have all the time and energy in the world – from partying until dawn with your friends, down to eating whatever you want. But the 20s are just like any other stage in life; they pass by and before you knew it, they are gone.
  Don't let them pass by and leave you with regrets or mistakes that we can help you to avoid.