学个词 Learn a Word-VOA英语教学 2937 fentanyl(在线收听

今天我们要学的词是 fentanyl. Fentanyl 芬太尼。U.S. President Trump said he would raise the issue of “the flood of cheap and deadly fentanyl” when he meets Chinese President Xi Jinping. 美国总统川普说,他见到中国国家主席习近平时会提出“廉价致命的芬太尼洪水般流入美国”的问题。But a Chinese official claimed there was not enough evidence to show that “a large proportion” of fentanyl in the U.S. come from China. 但是一位中国官员称,没有足够证据显示美国国内的芬太尼主要来自中国。好的,我们今天学习的词是fentanyl, fentanyl, fentanyl ...
