绿箭侠第一季 第330期:被赌场老大发现(在线收听

   Blackjack!  二十一点

  Miss... Can you come with me? 小姐...你能跟我来一下吗
  Is something wrong? Get up. 有什么事吗?请起身。
  Oh, since you ask so nicely.  既然你请求的这么温柔
  Oh, there's the bathroom.  卫生间在这里
  I should have known the manager's office would be down the hall and to the right of the bathroom. 我早知道经理办公室在大厅楼下卫生间右边就好了。
  Mr. Alonzo. Have a seat. 阿朗佐先生。请坐。
  What's your name? Megan. 你叫什么名字?梅根。
  Do you know where the term "86" comes from, Megan?  你知道86这个词是怎么来的吗,梅根
  As it happens, I do. It's from prohibition.  我碰巧知道,禁酒令时候的事情了
  There was a-- an illegal casino, not like this one, 有个违法的赌场,和这个不一样,
  located at 86 Bedford street in New York, god, you know, I'm just gonna stop talking. 位于纽约贝德福大街86号,天啊,算了,我还是不说了。
  Now it means to ban someone, someone who's cheating. You're 86'd. 现在它意味着禁止某人,某个作弊的人进入赌场,你被86了。
  Leave your chips and go. Thank you. Thank you. 留下你的筹码,离开吧谢谢。谢谢你。
  Oh, yeah, Megan, one more thing.  对了,梅根,还有一件事
  You see, the thing about card counters is, uh...  你知道记牌的人,他们
  Sometimes they work... with a partner. 有的时候,是团伙作案。
  You're gonna be really upset when you meet my partner.  你见了我的同伙肯定不会好受的。