绿箭侠第一季 第333期:希望关系更进一步(在线收听

   Pizza. My hero. I'm starved. Hey, Ollie. Yeah. 披萨。我的英雄。我快饿死了。奥利。什么事。

  Where do you keep the bottle opener in this thing? Bottom drawer. 你把开瓶器放哪了?最底下的抽屉。
  Did you talk to Ray today? About the ski trip?  你今天跟雷谈了吗?是滑雪旅行的事吗?
  No. He asked Jean to move in with him last night.  不是,他昨晚邀请简搬去和他住
  Oh. Guess they've been together forever.  我以为他们早就在一起了
  We've been together longer. Guess we have. 我们在一起都比他们长。好像是。
  I only bring this up because your mom busted me yesterday.  我只带了这个是因为你妈妈昨天搜我身了
  And obviously we can't hang out at my house.  而且很明显我们不能在我房间里约会
  Why? Because your father threatened to tase me the last time that I closed the door to your bedroom?  为什么,因为上次我把你房门关上的时候,你爸爸威胁要用泰瑟枪打我吗?
  So wouldn't it be nice to have a little place of our own?  我们有点自己的空间不是更好吗
  Yeah. Maybe. This is a little fast, Laurel. 是啊。也许吧。这有点太快了,劳蕾尔。
  I know that you like to think of yourself as a bad boy, Oliver Queen, but... 我知道你一直把自己当成一个坏小子,奥利弗·奎恩,但是...
  I feel like we're ready to take the next step.  我觉得我们应该更进一步了
  Yeah. Let's do it. 是啊。那我们就这么办吧。