绿箭侠第一季 第337期:港口离别(在线收听

   Robert, I don't like the idea of this. It's gonna be OK. 罗伯特,我觉得这不是个好主意。没关系的。

  Yeah, well, how long will you be gone?  好吧,你要去多久
  A few weeks. Maybe more, depending on what I--  几周,也许更久,这取决于我...
  Why can't you just fly to China?  你为什么不坐飞机去中国
  I think it's better the less you know.  你知道的越少越好
  I just hate that stupid boat.  我不喜欢那艘破船
  Look at me. I love you. Everything's gonna be fine. OK. 看着我。我爱你。一切都会好的。好吧。
  Got room for one more? No. 我也想一起抱行吗?不行。
  Mom, let me keep dad company.  妈,让我陪着老爸吧
  Oliver, you're in school. Not really. 奥利弗,你要上学。不用了。
  I forgot to tell you that.  我忘了告诉你了
  I could use an extra hand on the ship. Robert... 我在船上可能需要帮手。罗伯特...
  Moira, let the kid take the boat out with the old man. 莫伊拉,让孩子跟着老爸一起出海吧。
  All right. All right. But you promise me that you'll behave yourself. 好吧。好吧,但你要保证你要乖乖听话。
  All right. I promise. I love you so much. I love you, too. 好吧,我保证。我非常爱你。我也爱你。
  I totally spaced. I gotta call Tommy and let him know I'm out of town for a few weeks. 真是晕了。我得打电话告诉汤米我要出城待几周。
  I'll see you on board in 5. 五分钟后船上见。