打工姐妹花第二季 第21期:新的点菜系统(在线收听

   Okay, Earl. This is the L-520 order system touch pad. 你看,厄尔。这是L-520点菜系统触控板。

  Look how simple. See? 你看有多简单,瞧
  I'm telling you, I can't figure this tricky little thing out. 你听我说,我学不会这复杂的玩意。
  Earl, it's an on/off button. 厄尔,刚才的是开关钮
  Oh, slow down. It does both? 不会吧。那一键还两用啊?
  Let me just charge this up for you right here. 我先帮把这宝贝充上电吧
  This thing has been plugged more than the Kardashian sisters. 这块插线板比卡戴珊姐妹被"插"得还满啊。
  I better check the old wiring in diner first. 我还是先检查一下餐馆这老电路吧
  Max, now I feel like everyone's staring at my chest area. 麦克斯,我现在感觉大家都在盯着我胸口看。
  Well, welcome to my life. Every day since I was nine. 欢迎来到我的世界。我九岁之后就过着这样的生活。
  That necklace meant something special to me. 那珍珠项链对我有特别意义
  Didn't you ever lose anything sentimental you had for a long time? 难道你没有失去过你拥有很久,感情深厚的事物吗?
  My mother, but then she found her way back. 我妈啊,不过后来她又自己跑回来了
  Look, I am done waiting for Martha to call. 我受够了一直等她回电
  I say we go down there with some cupcakes, remind her how much she liked them, 不如我们再做点蛋糕去找她,提醒她当初她有多喜欢它们,
  and suggest she puts us on her show. 然后建议她邀请我们上她节目
  No, I mean, I can't go without my pearls. 不行,我珍珠都没了怎么去见人啊
  And it's more than just the luck. It's who I was before I lost everything. 它不仅仅代表着好运。还代表着我破产前的身份。
  You know how I always say, "Hi, I'm Caroline Channing," and then touch my pearls? 你知道我说,"你好,我是卡洛琳·钱宁"时,每次都会摸摸珍珠吧。
  I'm not just introducing myself. I'm reminding myself. 我不只是在自我介绍。那也是在提醒我自己。
  Well, let me remind you of something else. 那让我也提醒你另外一件事吧
  Yesterday you told me we were going to rule the world with cupcakes. 昨天你告诉我,我们能靠着小蛋糕征服全世界呢。
  Yeah, that was the pearls talking. 有珍珠撑腰,说话自然气壮
  Okay, well, now I'm talking. There is no luck. There is only work. 那现在轮到我说了。幸运是不存在的。努力才是硬道理。
  And right now, you're working my last nerve. 可你现在只让我想对你使用暴"力"
  So I am going down there myself and if Martha won't help me, 所以我打算自己去找她,如果她不愿意帮忙,
  I'ma bust her kneecaps with a rolling pin and then say, "now that's a good thing." 我就用擀面棍打爆她膝盖,然后说"这样才是一件好事"。