打工姐妹花第二季 第27期:霸气的苏菲(在线收听

   And tomorrow night when you come in for takeout, Sophie, 从明晚开始,当你再次步入餐厅呢,苏菲

  all Max has to do is hit this little thing. 麦克斯只需要轻击这个小东西
  Well, if I'm allowed to hit little things, you're next. 如果我可以这么做的话,我一定击爆你这个小东西。
  Change makes everyone so tense. 改变令大家都紧张兮兮
  Kitchen is now closed. I have plans. Big plans. 厨房现在关了。我还有约。重要的约呢。
  Sophie, I understand your relationship with Oleg is complicated, so let's simplify it. 苏菲,我知道你跟奥列格的关系很复杂,所以我就简单一问,
  Are you having sex in our building tonight, and do I have to wear earplugs? 你今晚会在咱楼里做爱吗,我需要先戴好耳塞吗?
  I will be alone... But wear them anyway. 今晚我独守空闺。你还是戴着以防万一吧。
  Hi, um, sorry, we're closed. 您好,抱歉,我们关门了
  I do not wish to eat. I just got collect call from Oleg. 我不是来吃东西的。奥列格打电话让我上门。
  She said we are closed. 她说关门了
  Oh? And who are you? 是吗,你哪位啊
  I'm the last person you will see before you learn how to walk again. 我是你被人废了双腿之前见到的最后那个人。
  Stay away from Oleg, or I'll pull your intestines out through your nose 离奥列格远点,不然老娘会把你的肠子从鼻孔拉出,
  and give them to her to wear as new necklace. 然后送给她,当新项链戴
  Fine. I will leave. But only because you have eyes of a python and I have possible U.T.I. 行。我走。但我是给你蟒蛇般煞气的双眼面子,还有我最近貌似尿道感染了。
  Sophie... Why don't you just admit it, you and Oleg? 苏菲,你就承认你跟奥列格关系不一般嘛。
  What? It's not like I want him. 什么?不是我想要他。
  It's just that where I come from, you never throw anything away. 只是我家乡那里的习惯是,我用完了也绝对不扔。