打工姐妹花第二季 第28期:找回珍珠(在线收听

   Here you go, ladies. Enjoy the extra tips from your credit cards, 拿去吧,姑娘们。享受从刷卡的客人身上捞来额外小费吧,

  because when Han flips that switch, 因为阿憨一旦按下那个改朝换代的按钮
  the only tip I can give you is, don't wash your hair every day. It dries it out. 我能给你们的小费就只剩别天天洗头发了。头发会丧失水分的。
  Okay. Here comes the future. One, two-- 好啦,一起迈向未来吧。一,二...
  This old building sucks me so hard. 这破楼真他妈要把我搞死了
  Congratulations, ladies. This is your lucky night. 恭喜你们俩啦。今晚是你们的幸运夜。
  Speaking of luck, here are your pearls. 说到幸运,这些是你的珍珠。
  I found most of them, but I think Chestnut ate a few. 我找回了绝大多数,但我猜栗宝吃掉了几颗。
  You can dig for those later yourself. Max. 你之后自己去慢慢"挖掘"吧。麦克斯。
  And it won't look the same, because you have to string them on this cheap-ass wire 但它是弄回不了原样了,因为你得自己用这便宜烂线穿上,
  I got at the hipster bead store... Beading off. 这是我在嬉皮串珠店买的,店名叫"得以珠之"。
  We can add this Earl bonus money to our cupcake business total. 我们可以把厄尔给我们的额外收入加到小蛋糕生意基金里啊。
  Yeah, that 150 will really put a dent in the 250,000 we need. 加上那150块,咱们离目标又迈进了"一大步"呢。
  We'll get there, Max. Because you and I have something Martha Stewart and machines don't. 有志者事竟成嘛。因为我们有着家政女皇跟小蛋糕机都没有的东西。
  Unpaid bills? Mushrooms growing on our bathroom rug? 未缴的账单吗?还是浴室门口地毯上长的小蘑菇?
  No, each other. 我们有着彼此嘛
  Aww, a year later you're still trying to get me to feel things. 哎哟,都认识一年了,你还在想着让我有点人性。
  Do you wanna know the real reason I thought this necklace was so lucky? 你想知道我觉得它是幸运项链的真正原因吗?
  I was wearing it the day I met you. 遇见你的那天,我就戴着它
  So, I'm gonna have some extras. Do you wanna make one for yourself? 会有多余的珍珠呢。你想给自己也做一个吗?
  Nah, I've had plenty of pearl necklaces, and I find them more sticky than lucky. 不用,我有过很多"珍珠项链"了,我觉得它们是黏腻而不是幸运。
  Max, [email protected]. "Haven't forgotten about you, girls. Martha Stewart." 麦克斯,玛莎斯图尔特网寄信来了。"我可没忘了你们俩姑娘哦,玛莎·斯图尔特"。
  Just when I thought I was out, she pulls me back in again. 我才以为人生已经无望,她又重燃我希望之火。