2014年CRI 国台办主任张志军首次访台 伊拉克总理拒建救国政府(在线收听


The head of the mainland's Taiwan Affairs Office is now on Taiwan for a four-day visit, and has sat down with his cross-strait counterpart.

Zhang Zhijun says he wants to have contact with locals from all walks of life on Taiwan so as to better understand their lives and opinions about cross-Strait relations.

As part of the meeting, the two are promising to try to improve communication between their respective departments.

They've also agreed to try to create more follow-up agreements to the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement signed four years ago.

Zhang and Wang also says they want to work more closely to support more cross-Strait tourism.

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is calling on the political blocs in Iraq to close ranks in the face of the growing threat from Sunni militants.

But at the same time, he's also blasting any suggestion by his political rivals to form a re-branded government.

US officials have been pressing for the next Iraqi government to be more inclusive.

The current administration is a Shiite led coalition.

Meanwhile, 300 US military advisers have now arrived in Iraq to help the Iraqi security forces in their battle against the Sunni insurgents who have taken control of much of northern Iraq.
