2014年CRI 日本内阁决定解禁集体自卫权 中韩警告美国欢迎(在线收听


Both China and South Korea are warning Japan not to hamper regional peace and stability.

The call comes after the Japanese cabinet passed a controversial resolution which will allow Japan to send troops overseas.

The Chinese government is warning this could be a signal the Japanese government is hoping to walk away from its pacifist policies.

The United States is welcoming the move, though saying it will make the US-Japan alliance more effective.

However, South Korea, another ally of Washington, is raising concerns, saying Japan needs to act to not hurt regional peace and stability.

In Seoul, protestors have gathered in front of the Japanese embassy, demonstrating against Tokyo's move.

The move has also sparked demonstrations in Japan itself.

Far-right Israeli demonstrators have taken to the streets in Jerusalem in an anti-Arab demonstration.

Israeli police have rescued an Arab teen who became caught up in the demonstration, amid a growing number of anti-Arab incidents being reported in the fallout of the murder of three Israeli teens.

Close to 30 of the demonstrators, mostly teenagers, were arrested.

The discovery of the bodies of the three teenagers who were kidnapped and murdered near Hebron last month has set off a wave of anti-Arab violence in Jerusalem.

The Israeli government has pinned the blame for the murder of the three yeshiva students on the Palestinian Hamas movement.

Hamas has denied its involvement.
