2014年CRI 习近平主席今起访韩 海南省原副省长冀文林被开除党籍(在线收听


South Korean President Park Geun-hye says she expects more pragmatic cooperation between China and South Korea.

She has made the suggestion ahead of Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to her country, which is set to begin later today.

Park says she wants her administration to work with the Chinese government to help each other reach their respective goals.

South Korean officials are also hoping Xi Jinping's time in South Korea will help push forward movement on a China-South Korea free-trade deal.

Xi Jinping's trip to Seoul will be his first as Chinese President.

Another former leading official here in China has been kicked out of the party.

The former vice-Governor of Hainan, Ji Wenlin, has been expelled from the CPC for "severe violations of discipline and law."

The 47-year old is accused of taking advantage of his position to benefit others.

The Central Committee also says Ji Wenlin demanded and recieved a "huge amount" of bribes.

He's also accused of adultery.

Ji Wenlin became vice-Governor of Hainan in January of last year.
