儿童英语读物 The Mystery of the Orphan Train CHAPTER 7 The Little Dog’s Ear(在线收听

The Aldens got up early the next morning. They wanted to surprise Kate with a special breakfast. While they worked, they talked about Thane’s rhyme.

“Maybe it really was just a parlor game," Jessie was saying as she sliced a cantalope into wedges.

Henry, who was keeping an eye on the sizzling sausages, looked over. “Or maybe Thane left Wiggin Place before he had a chance to hide any clues.”

“Anything’s possible,” admitted Violet, scrambling eggs in a large bowl. “Still, it wouldn’t hurt to take another look at Sally’s book.”

“It’s worth a shot,” declared Benny. He didn’t like to give up. As he placed a dish of strawberry jam on the table, he added, “We will solve the mystery, won’t we?”

“Sure we will,” said Henry. Then he added honestly, “At least, we’ll do our best.”

“Well, what’s all this?” Kate asked, her eyes wide as she walked into the kitchen. Lindsay was close behind.

“We made breakfast,” Jessie said with a smile. “You’re just in time.”

“Everything smells wonderful!” said Kate, pulling up a chair.

“It sure does.” Lindsay slipped into the empty seat beside Kate. “I feel like one of the guests.”

Over breakfast, the children noticed that Kate seemed unusually quiet. Violet couldn’t help asking if anything was wrong.

Kate smiled, but it wasn’t much of a smile. “Nothing for you to worry about, Violet. Everything will work out.”

The Aldens looked at one another with concern. Why wasn’t Kate her usual cheery self?

“If there’s a problem, maybe we can help,” offered Henry. He passed the platter of sausages to Benny.

Kate let out a sigh. “Well, this is going to sound a little odd, but—”

“The bluebird necklace has disappeared,” Lindsay blurted out.

“What …?” Benny almost choked on his toast.

Jessie stared over at Kate in surprise. “You can’t mean … the necklace that belonged to your grandmother?”

Nodding, Kate said, “I left it out on my dresser. At least, that’s where I thought I’d left it. You see, the clasp was a bit loose, and I was going to take it into town to have it fixed.” A frown crossed her kind face. “It’s the strangest thing. When I got up this morning, it was gone,” she went on. “The necklace has vanished.”

“I can’t believe it!” said Violet.

Henry was baffled. “But it couldn’t just … vanish.”

“Apparently it did, Henry,” put in Lindsay.

“I don’t understand it,” said Jessie. “What could’ve happened?”

Benny spoke up. “I know what happened.”

All eyes turned to the youngest Alden. “What, Benny?” Kate asked.

“Somebody stole it!”

Kate held up a hand. “Now, now, Benny,” she cautioned him. “No need to think that. I refuse to believe anyone in this house would steal my grandmother’s necklace. I’ve simply misplaced it, that’s all. We mustn’t jump to any conclusions.”

Jessie agreed. “I guess we shouldn’t suspect people until we’re certain it was actually stolen.”

Lindsay reached out and placed a hand gently on Kate’s arm. “After I run a few errands in town, I’ll help you look for it. We’ll turn this place inside out if we have to!”

“We’ll help, too,” Jessie volunteered, and the others nodded.

Kate brushed some crumbs from the front of her dress. “I appreciate the offers,” she told them. “But I’ll give my bedroom a thorough going-over. I’m sure that’ll do the trick. The necklace must be in my room somewhere.”

After breakfast, the children discussed the strange disappearance while they cleaned the kitchen. “That necklace means so much to Kate,” said Violet, handing Jessie the sausage platter to wash. “I sure hope she finds it.”

“She won’t,” said Benny.

Jessie looked at her little brother. “Why do you say that, Benny?”

“Because Vanessa stole it.”

“Benny!” Jessie exclaimed. “You shouldn’t say things like that.”

“But I’m pretty sure she did, Jessie,” Benny said, carefully drying his cracked pink cup. “Vanessa wants everything she sees, remember? Even that painting of the Emerald Isle.”

Violet carried the empty glasses over to the sink. “I know Vanessa seems a bit spoiled, Benny,” she said, “but that doesn’t make her a thief.”

“It is weird, though, about the necklace suddenly disappearing,” said Henry.

Jessie turned to face her older brother. “Even if it was stolen, Henry, Vanessa isn’t the only suspect.”

Henry looked at her, puzzled. So did Violet and Benny.

“I think we should include the professor on our list.”

Violet gave her sister a questioning glance. “The professor?”

Nodding, Jessie told them how she’d caught the professor staring up at the photograph above the fireplace. “He had the strangest smile on his face—as if he knew something no one else did.” She paused for a moment. “Vanessa might not be the only one interested in the bluebird necklace.”

The others thought about this for a moment. Sally was wearing the necklace in that photograph over the fireplace. Was it the family heirloom that held the professor’s attention? Nobody knew. But they had to admit it was possible. Hadn’t the professor tried to convince Kate to sell her family heirloom? Didn’t he say she’d be better off with a little money tucked away for her old age?

“There’s somebody else we should consider,” Henry told them.

“Who’s that?” Benny wanted to know.

“Lindsay” Henry said.

“Oh, Henry!” cried Jessie. “I don’t think Lindsay has the heart to be a thief.”

“We have to consider everybody,” insisted Henry. “And remember what she said on the phone?”

Jessie nodded. “She said, ‘I just don’t think I can pull it off.’”

“And that’s not all,” Benny recalled. “She was talking about something old and blue.” He looked around at the others. “Kate’s necklace is old and blue!”

“That does sound suspicious,” admitted Jessie.

“But why would she want to hurt Kate like that, Henry?” Violet couldn’t believe Lindsay would do something so awful.

“I’m not sure, Violet,” Henry said. “But maybe we should keep an eye on all of them for a while—Vanessa, Lindsay, and the professor.”

After finishing the dishes, the Aldens headed for the reading room. Sitting cross-legged on the rug, they searched carefully through Sally’s book for clues. But once again they were disappointed.

Benny drew his eyebrows together in a frown. “It doesn’t make sense,” he said. “The clue should be here.”

“But … where?” asked Violet.

Henry shrugged. “That’s a good question.”

Just then, Kate walked into the room. “Oh, I didn’t know you were in here,” she said, looking surprised when she saw the Aldens. “I’m trying to tidy up a bit while I’m searching,” she told them, glancing down at her armful of old novels. “My night table was buried under books.”

“You sure have a lot,” Benny remarked, as Kate added to the stack of books on the coffee table. “Almost as many as the Greenfield Public Library.”

Kate laughed at this. “Well, most of my books are old and dog-eared, Benny. But I still treasure them.”

As Kate turned to go, Violet said, “No luck yet?”

Kate shook her head. “No, but it’ll turn up by the end of the day,” she said, trying to sound upbeat. “Just wait and see, Violet.” Then she closed the door behind her.

The Aldens soon turned their attention back to Sally’s book. They were more determined than ever to solve the mystery for Kate.

“There must be something we’re not seeing,” Jessie said. “Don’t you think, Henry?”

Henry didn’t answer. As he looked down at Sally’s book, an idea began to form in his mind. Then he suddenly slapped his forehead with the palm of his hand. “Of course!” he exclaimed, laughing a little.

“Don’t keep us in the dark, Henry,” Benny said. “What’s up?”

“Remember what Kate said about her books?” Henry sounded excited.

The others stared at their older brother. They looked totally confused.

Seeing their puzzled faces, Henry explained, “She said they were old and—”

Jessie’s eyes widened as she caught Henry’s drift. She finished her brother’s sentence for him. “Dog-eared!”

“Oh, I can’t believe we didn’t think of that!” Violet clapped her hands.

“Dog-eared?” Benny repeated, not understanding.

“They say a book’s dog-eared, Benny,” Jessie was quick to explain, “when some of the pages have been turned down at the corners. You know, from people marking their spot.”

“Oh, I get it!” Benny said in sudden understanding. “The turned-down part looks like a dog’s ear, right?”

“Right,” said Henry.

“No wonder we weren’t getting anywhere,” Jessie realized, flipping to the end of the book. “Thane must’ve hidden the clue under a corner of the page.”

They all held their breath, as Jessie lifted the flap. Sure enough, a message had been scribbled under the little dog’s ear.

The Aldens let out a cheer. Figuring out clues was always fun.

“What does it say, Jessie?” Benny gave his sister a nudge.

With a puzzled frown, Jessie read the message out loud:

Blue and yellow,

yellow and blue,

two make one,

a gem of a clue!

“What do you think it means?” wondered Violet.

Jessie shrugged. So did Henry.

“It’s a mystery,” Benny said with a grin. “I love mysteries!”
