儿童英语读物 The Mystery of the Orphan Train CHAPTER 10 A Long-Lost Letter(在线收听

Just as Henry reached for the light switch, there was a terrible crash. The Aldens could hardly believe their eyes when they saw Vanessa standing over a broken lamp, a flashlight in her hand.

“Now you’ve done it!” she snapped, as doors opened upstairs. “I almost jumped right out of my skin.”

There was a sudden rush of footsteps on the stairs. Then Kate appeared in the doorway, struggling to put an arm into her robe. Lindsay was close behind, followed by Josh and the professor. All eyes turned to the lamp on the floor.

“Yes, I broke that,” Vanessa told them. “Thanks to the Aldens snooping around down here. They scared me half to death.”

“We weren’t snooping!” Benny said indignantly. “We were just … just …” His voice trailed away. He didn’t know what to say.

Henry squared his shoulders. “You’re the one with the flashlight, Vanessa,” he pointed out, looking her right in the eye.

Josh spoke up. “Yeah, what’s with that, Vanessa? What are you doing down here with a flashlight?”

Vanessa looked embarrassed, and then angry. “I’m in no mood for this right now,” she told her husband. “We’ll discuss it in the morning.”

Benny thought he knew the answer. “You were trying to steal Kate’s painting, weren’t you? The one of the Emerald Isle.”

“What … ?” Vanessa stared at Benny in disbelief. “You think I’m a thief?”

“Well, you stole Kate’s necklace, didn’t you?” Benny said accusingly, his hands on his hips.

Kate looked horrified. “Benny what a terrible thing to say.”

Vanessa opened her mouth to speak, then closed it again. Finally she went over to the window and stared out into the night, looking defeated. After what seemed like forever, she finally spoke. “I am responsible for the missing necklace,” she confessed. “But I didn’t steal it.”

Kate looked over at her, stunned. “Please turn around, Vanessa,” she said in a strained voice. “I’d rather not talk to your back.”

Vanessa turned around. “I was walking by your room, Kate, and I noticed the necklace on your dresser. I just wanted to try it on, that’s all. Before I had a chance to take it off, Lindsay called me downstairs to the phone.” Vanessa’s voice wavered. There was a long silence while she tried to compose herself. “The next thing I knew, the necklace was gone. I looked everywhere for it, but …”

“The clasp was loose,” Kate told her. “I imagine it slipped off.”

Josh, who was crouched down by the broken lamp, looked over at his wife. “Why on earth didn’t you say something, Vanessa?” He sounded more disappointed than angry.

“I was ashamed,” she answered, looking close to tears. “I thought I could find the necklace if I just looked around.”

Jessie nodded. “That’s why you were using a flashlight. You didn’t want anyone to notice the light on.”

Vanessa didn’t deny it. “The last thing I expected was to run into the Aldens in the middle of the night,” she said, sinking into a chair.

Josh was busy trying to fit the pieces of the lamp together. “Looks like a clean break,” he said, moving everything off to the side. “A bit of glue should do the trick. If not, we’ll buy you a new lamp, Kate.”

“I’m not worried about the lamp, Josh,” Kate assured him. “I can replace it easily.”

“But that’s not true of the necklace, is it?” Vanessa buried her head in her hands.” I’m so sorry, Kate.”

“If you mean that, Vanessa,” replied Kate, “you’ll learn a lesson from this, and respect what belongs to others.”

Vanessa nodded, looking truly regretful.

Violet spoke up. “I’m sure we’ll find the necklace if everybody looks around for it tomorrow.”

Henry nodded. “The secret is teamwork.”

Josh perched on the arm of the chair beside his wife. “Henry’s right,” he told her. “Maybe it’s time you and I started acting like a team, Vanessa.”

“I’d like that, Josh.” Vanessa looked up and smiled a little for the first time.

Kate turned her attention to the Aldens. “And what on earth were the four of you doing down here?”

“Tracking clues,” Benny told her proudly.

Henry nodded. “We’re getting closer to figuring out Ethan’s rhyme, Kate.”

Kate looked puzzled, but only for an instant. “Oh, you must be talking about the rhyme you found in the old desk.” She sat down on the sofa beside Lindsay. “That was Thane’s rhyme, Henry,” she corrected. “Remember?”

This made Henry laugh. “Two make one.”

Kate looked even more confused.

“They were the same person, Kate,” Jessie explained. “Thane changed his name to Ethan Cape.”

“At least, that’s what we think,” added Violet.

“What …?” Kate stared at the children in disbelief.

“Just what kind of game are you kids playing?” The professor, who had been standing in the doorway, suddenly stepped into the room. He didn’t look happy.

“It’s not a game,” Violet said quietly. “We’re pretty sure Margaret O’Malley’s painting holds a secret.” She pointed to the watercolor of the Emerald Isle.

“A secret?” Lindsay’s eyes were big. “What kind of secret?”

Henry answered, “Maybe the truth about the past.”

Kate smoothed her robe over her knees. “Well, now, this is getting exciting!” she said. “Let’s find out what’s there,” she added. “Would you like to do the honors, Henry?”

Nodding, Henry lifted the painting down from the wall. Everyone gathered round while he gently removed the backing. Sure enough, a folded letter, yellowed with age, had been hidden underneath.

Kate unfolded the letter Henry handed her and read it aloud.

    Dear Sally,

    I don’t know if you’ll ever find this letter, but I can’t go without leaving the truth behind. As you know, I came out west with my sister on the Orphan Train. I was adopted by one family, and my sister by another. But I never forgot about her. Not for a moment. And so, a few weeks ago, I set out to find her. Imagine my surprise when the young girl I pulled from the icy water turned out to be my long lost sister!

    Yes, it’s true, Sally. I held you in my arms when we came out together on the Orphan Train. Wrapped up in one of your baby blankets was the bluebird necklace that had belonged to our mother. When I saw it around your neck, I knew the truth. I went to your adopted parents and told them of my discovery. But they refuse to tell you the truth. I think they're afraid of losing you. So they’ve accused me of theft, and threatened to have me arrested. I have no choice but to leave. (I’ll change my name in case they send the law after me. How does Ethan Cape sound?)

    But I go with an easy mind, knowing you are in safe hands. In spite of their unfairness to me, I am grateful they’ve taken such good care of you. I’ve left you one last riddle to solve—a riddle that will lead to this note. I can only hope your father will give my riddle to you.

    I aim to become a great photographer, Sally. Keep the photograph I took of you in your family album. After I make my mark in the world, I’ll come back to see you. If you haven’t discovered the truth by then, I will tell you everything. Until that time, I shall keep our past a secret.

    Your brother,

    Thane Pace

For a moment, everyone was too surprised to speak. Finally, Kate broke the silence.

“Amazing,” she said, shaking her head in disbelief. “Ethan Cape rode the Orphan Train with my grandmother!”

“He was your great-uncle, Kate,” Josh was quick to point out.

“Why, yes. I … I suppose so.” Kate stared wide-eyed as the truth began to sink in.

The professor dropped into a chair. “That fills in the missing gap in those early years of Ethan’s life.”

This made Kate turn in surprise. “What’s your interest in this, professor?”

The professor hesitated, then he said, “I’m not the person you think I am, Kate.”

Kate blinked in disbelief. “You tricked me?”

“I did.”

“But … why?” said Kate. “Why would you do such a thing?”

“I should never have deceived you, Kate,” the professor said. “But I was afraid you wouldn’t let me stay if you knew the truth.” He looked over at the picture above the fireplace. “You see, I’m a collector of Ethan Cape’s works.”

Kate’s mouth had dropped open. “Of course!” she cried. “I thought your voice sounded familiar—you’re the man I spoke with on the phone a few months ago. You wanted to buy the photograph of my grandmother.”

“That’s right.”

“You wouldn’t take no for an answer,” Kate went on. “As I recall, I was forced to hang up on you.”

The professor managed a weak smile. “I know I was a bit too pushy,” he admitted. “That’s why I thought it best to pretend to be someone else—a professor just here on vacation.”

Kate frowned. “You figured you could convince me to sell my grandmother’s photograph,” she concluded. “That explains why you kept talking about putting money away for my old age. How could you do something like that?”

The professor looked down at his hands. “Because family history means a great deal to me, too, Kate.”

Jessie’s jaw suddenly dropped. “Oh, my goodness!”

The others turned to look at her. “What’s the matter, Jessie?”

“That book on the patio!” Jessie put her hands to her mouth. “You said it was your grandfather’s book, Professor. But it wasn’t a gift from your grandfather, was it?” She looked right at him. “It was a book about your grandfather!”

“I guess you’ve found me out,” he said, looking around at all the faces staring at him. “My real name’s Matthew Cape. I’m Ethan Cape’s grandson.”

Kate was so startled, she needed a few moments to collect her thoughts. “That would mean …”

Matthew nodded. “You and I are second cousins, Kate.” The corners of his mouth began to twitch and then he started to laugh. “I came here to add to my collection of photographs, but I’ve added to my family instead. Thanks to the Aldens,” he quickly added.

Benny grinned. “And that’s way better than a photograph!”

“You’ve got that right, Benny,” agreed Matthew, who was a changed person now that the truth was out in the open. “I can’t thank you kids enough for uncovering the truth about my grandfather. And I’m sorry if I’ve been a bit…” His voice trailed away.

“Unfriendly?” asked Benny.

“Yes, Benny,” said Matthew. “I figured if I kept my distance, no one would ask me any personal questions.”

“Oh,” said Violet, beginning to understand.

“Well, Matthew,” Kate said with a twinkle in her eye, “I’m afraid my grandmother’s photograph is still off limits. Even to a cousin.”

Matthew held up his hands. “That photograph is right where it belongs, Kate.”

Lindsay suddenly jumped up. “This calls for a celebration!” She hurried from the room, returning a few moments later with peanut-butter cookies and milk for everyone.

“Ethan was true to his word,” Jessie said, as she reached for a cookie. “He really did come back to see his long-lost sister.”

Kate nodded. “I imagine he told my grandmother the truth about their past.” She took a long sip of cold milk. “That must have been the secret she wanted to share with the family.”

“I guess your great-grandfather had a hunch about that rhyme,” said Violet.

“Yes, that would explain why he kept it hidden away,” said Kate. “He didn’t want to risk losing Sally if it held the truth about the past.”

“I knew Thane Pace wasn’t a thief,” put in Benny. The youngest Alden was all smiles as he took a bite of his cookie. Then his eyes suddenly widened.

“What’s wrong?” Jessie asked her little brother in alarm.

Benny answered by reaching into his mouth and pulling out something yellow and blue—it was the bluebird necklace!

“Oh!” cried Lindsay. “How in the world did … ?”

Vanessa was clapping her hands. “I bet I know what happened,” she said, laughing with relief. “You were making cookies, Lindsay, when you called me to the phone the other day. I remember reaching into the cupboard for a coffee mug. The necklace must’ve slipped off and landed right in the—”

“Cookie dough!” finished Benny, handing the necklace to Kate.

Kate’s smile was dazzling. “What a perfect ending to the evening!” she said, brushing the crumbs from the bluebird charm. “Your grandfather was right—you children really are first-class detectives!”

“Well, one thing’s for sure,” Henry said with a grin. “Benny really knows how to sink his teeth into a mystery!”

“Especially if it tastes like peanut butter!” said Benny, as he reached for another cookie.
