绿箭侠第一季 第349期:西娅潜入警局(在线收听

   Help you with something? 需要帮忙吗?

  Yes, um, I'm from CNRI and we're investigating claims of racial bias in SCPD arrests. 是的,我是创新联合会的人,正在调查星城警署逮捕中的种族偏见问题。
  So I'm going to need a copy of each file from every arrest in Starling City January, 2011 to the present. 我需要星城自2011年1月到现在所有被捕罪犯档案的副本。
  It's almost 9:00 at night. 现在都快晚上九点了
  Yeah, well, tell that to Judge Grell. He's the one who signed the court order. Wait here. 你去跟格瑞尔法官说吧。这张法院传令是他签署的。在这里等着。
  I don't know, it seems like a bit of a leap. 不知道,看起来有点冒险。
  Yeah, which is what you do when you got nothin'. 当你一无所知时就会这样
  'cause all I know is the copycat, he torched every record down at Unidac. 据我所知,那个冒牌货把尤尼达克的所有记录都烧了。
  And all we got are phone records. And they show that this Markov guy, 我们弄到的只有些电话账单。上面显示一个叫马尔科夫的人,
  he made a couple of calls to an unclaimed line at Merlyn Global. 给梅林环球集团一个不明号码打了几个电话。
  A couple of calls? Did I say reach? I misspoke. I meant leap. 几通电话?我刚才说电话了吗?我口误了。我想说的是冒险。
  Just get someone down here from Meryln Global to answer a few questions under oath. 去梅林环球集团找个人来,让他先宣誓再回答问题。