
   The Americas 美洲

  Brazil's Political Scandal: Temer tantrum 巴西政治丑闻:特梅尔生气了
  Bribery charges will not bring down the president just yet. 受贿指控并不会导致总统下台。
  Ever since an audio recording emerged in May of Brazil's president, Michel Temer, seeming to discuss paying hush money and backhanders,  自从一段有关巴西总统谈论“封口费”和“贿赂”的录音在五月被公布后,
  the country's zealous prosecutors have been expected to pounce. 巴西总检察长Rodrigo Janot一直想逮捕Michel Temer。
  Even so, the decision by Rodrigo Janot, the chief prosecutor, on June 26th to charge Mr Temer with bribe-taking was momentous. 即便如此,6月26日,总检察长Rodrigo Janot以受贿罪指控Temer 先生还是重要的。
  It is the first such charge against a sitting president. 因为这是自上世纪80年代巴西恢复民主制以来,首位在任总统面临刑事指控。
  Mr Janot bases his accusations on the tape and testimony of Joesley Batista, the billionaire businessman who secretly recorded it. Janot先生对总统的指控是基于那段录音和Joesley Batista(巴西肉类加工巨头JBS董事长,身家亿万)的证词,那段录音是Joesley Batista与总统Temer 先生交谈时的秘密录音。
  These resulted in a sting operation in which Rodrigo Loures, a former aide to Mr Temer, was filmed receiving 500,000 reais ($159,000) from Mr Batista's envoy,  而之后针对此事件进行的盯梢行动中,也觉察到Temer前助手Rodrigo Loures非法收受50万雷亚尔(约15.9万美元)的贿款,
  allegedly for interceding with the antitrust agency on his firm's behalf. 据说是以公司名义与反垄断机构斡旋所出的调解费。
  Mr Janot suspects that the cash, plus another 38m reais promised by Mr Batista, was in fact meant for Mr Temer. Janot 先生怀疑事实上那50万雷亚尔和额外的3800万雷亚尔是Batista先生想给总统的。
  The president protests his innocence and points out that his relationship with Mr Loures is all that links him to the payoff. 总统表示他并没有收受贿赂,并指出他与Loures先生只有工作往来。
  Even before the charges Mr Temer's administration was the most unpopular on record, with an approval rating of just 7%. 在此次指控之前,Temer政府仅仅只有7%的支持率,这也是历史上最不受欢迎的一届政府了。
  In June he narrowly held on to office when the electoral tribunal ruled to clear him and Dilma Rousseff,  6月,选举法庭才撤销了针对Temer和前总统 Dilma Rousseff
  under whom he served as vice-president before her impeachment last year, of charges of illicit campaign financing in 2014. (Temer曾经是她的副总统,后者于去年被弹劾下台)2014年的竞选资金来源非法的指控,Temer才勉强地保住了自己的职位。
  But he retains support where it matters most: in congress. 但他最终还是保住了最重要的国会的支持。
  For the case to proceed, the charges must be approved by two-thirds of deputies in the lower house. 该指控只有在下议院获得超过三分之二的支持率才有可能通过。
  Enough support him to make that improbable. 所以想要扳倒他还是很难。