
   The unfairness is all the more galling because of the fierce competition for jobs. 在激烈的就业竞争中的不公平现象更加令人痛心疾首。

  This year there were 36 applicants for every job, up from 32 two years ago. 今年每份工作有36人申请,超过了两年前的32人。
  Youth unemployment reached a record 12% earlier this year. 今年年初青年失业率达到了12%。
  Frustrated young people are starting to speak out. 失意的年轻人们开始发声了。
  The activists of a group called Hidden Bag run a small yearly campaign to “reject university entrance”, trying to persuade people to boycott the whole process. 名为“隐藏袋”的组织发起了一场的“拒绝高考”的小型运动,试图说服人们抵制整个精英教育程序。
  At a recent film festival in Seoul, Hidden Bag provided “healing kits” for young people wishing to challenge “never-ending competition” and “education-based limits”. 在目前的首尔电影节上,“隐藏袋”组织为挑战“永无止境的竞争”和“基础教育的限制”的年轻人提供了“医疗箱”。
  Colorful sweets, packaged to look like medicine, were handed out to students to encourage them to take a stand. 他们把包装的像药品一样的五颜六色的糖果发给学生们,鼓励他们表明立场。
  Some were labeled “courage”, others “strength”. 有些糖果上被标记“勇气”二字,有些则标记着“力量”。
  By spurning the rat race, they hope to raise “fundamental questions” about prevailing values. 抛开你死我活的竞争,他们希望能提高人们对主导价值观中的“基本问题”的关注。
  Fewer than 70% of school leavers went on to university last year, the lowest level in almost 20 years. 去年只有不到70%的毕业生选择了继续攻读大学,这是近20年来的最低水平。
  Moon Jae-in, the president since May, has pledged that under his administration “the thickness of a parent's purse” will not determine their children's prospects. 五月上任的的韩国总统——文在寅承诺在他任职期内,孩子的前途将不再由“父母的财富”决定。
  This week an MP from his party introduced legislation to extend the “blind hiring” process used in the civil service,  本周,来自他所在党派的一名议员提出了一项立法提案,以延长公务员以及国有企业的“盲目招聘”程序,
  whereby applicants are judged only on standardised exams, not on their academic record, to state-owned firms as well. 即申请者只能通过标准化考试,而不能由他们的学术成绩来决定,国有企业也是如此。
  The bill's author is also proposing an amendment based on another oddity of Ms Jung's admission: she scored badly in her written exam, but was given full marks for the interview. 小柳女士在笔试中成绩很差,但在面试中却得到了满分,根据这一怪异事件,该法案作者正提出一项修正案。
  The amendment would require all university interviews to be recorded or minuted for transparency. 为了保证面试的透明度,修正案将会要求所有大学的面试都要记录在案。
  Blame Ms Jung's parents. 而这一切都要归咎于小柳女士的父母。