2014年CRI 中国已向美国提供在美逃犯名单 联合国吁创纪录人道主义援助(在线收听


China says it has made headway with the United States on tracking down officials suspected of corruption.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei says the two sides agreed at a meeting in Beijing last week to further cooperate on anti-corruption efforts, the pursuit of fugitives, and the retrieval of illegal proceeds.

China has provided a list of names of economic fugitives now hiding in the US.

The U.S side has said that the two sides had identified a "finite number of individuals and agreed to develop a strategy to address each of those".

Over 400 Chinese economic fugitives from more than 60 countries and regions have been returned to China since the launch of "Fox Hunt 2014" in July. More than half of them turned themselves in.

The United Nations is calling for more than 16 billion U.S. dollars in funding for its humanitarian and relief efforts, in its biggest-ever annual request.

It says there are over 57 million people globally who need UN assistance right now.

A UN Spokesman says the majority of those have been affected by conflict in some way, naming Central African Republic, Iraq, South Sudan, and Syria as prominent examples.

According to the U.N., international donors have provided nearly 9.5 billion dollars in funding for UN programs this year, but that was not quite half of the amount that had been requested.
