打工姐妹花第二季 第36期:麦克斯点评电影(在线收听

   Let's sit down here. 咱们去那边坐吧

  Ooh, I'm not sticking to the floor yet. Fancy theater. 地板上还没任何东西黏住我的鞋。看来这影院很高级呀。
  Oh, hey, guys. Hope I wasn't too hard on you out there. Nice cape. 伙计们。希望刚才没有对你们太过分。斗篷不错。
  Thanks. I had it in my backpack. I wasn't sure. 谢谢,之前收在背包里了。不确定该不该披。
  You made the right choice. 你做得对
  She likes my cape. Technically, she likes your sister's cape. 她喜欢我的斗篷。严格说来,她喜欢的是你姐姐的斗篷。
  Okay, so I don't know anything about these superhero movies. 我对这些超级英雄的电影一无所知。
  It's a remake of a prequel to a sequel? I'm already confused. 这是翻拍的续集电影的前传吗?我脑子已经不转了。
  Okay, stop. So there's always a nerdy guy... 好了,别说了。主角总是那种书呆子宅男,
  and he's either been wronged or bitten or exposed to something toxic. It gives him superpowers. 要么被人冤枉,或被某生物咬,要么就是接触到什么毒。然后就有了超能力。
  He's in love with a pretty girl who his rival tries to kill 他爱上漂亮女人,而敌人则会试图杀她
  but then won't because they have to make another movie. 但女人不会死,因为还要拍第二部
  Also, partial nudity, product placement, dope explosions, and a killer score by Hans Zimmer. 而且通常有半裸镜头,植入式广告,超棒爆炸场面,还伴随着汉斯·季默作曲的配乐。
  Okay, your knowledge of these superhero movies is kind of turning me on right now. 你对这些超级英雄电影的理解让我现在觉得性致盎然啊。
  Wait. Are you kidding me? The hero has red hair as a child? 慢着,开什么玩笑?英雄小时候是红发啊?
  Um, weird, 'cause when he grows up, he has black hair. 奇了怪了,他长大后头发可是黑色的。
  Was there some sort of chemical spill, which, by the way, wasn't in the original comic book! 是有化学品泄漏导致突变吗,而那跟漫画原作差了十万八千里!
  What am I, dumb? Okay. Okay, come on. Come on, let's go to another movie. 你当我是什么啊,傻子吗?好了。好了,别说了。走,我们去看其他电影吧。
  What are you talking about? 你在说什么啊
  Well, you obviously hate this. You're yelling at the screen. 你明摆着不喜欢这电影。你都冲着大屏幕嚷嚷了。
  Yelling at the screen is the best part of going to the movies, and more white people should learn that. 冲着大屏幕嚷嚷是看电影最爽的部分,你们白人应该多学着点。