打工姐妹花第二季 第38期:跟踪阿憨进厕所(在线收听

   Why is he going to the bathroom with that stranger? 为什么他要跟那个陌生人去厕所呢

  Is Han also a republican senator? Usher. 难道阿憨是共和党参议员吗?带位员。
  Are all men's rooms this depressing? 所有的男厕所都这么悲哀吗
  We are such different people. I was just gonna say how nice it is. 我们果然不是一国人。我刚想说这个男厕还算不错。
  I don't hear sex sounds, and he's not on the changing table, so maybe drugs are involved. 我没有听到做爱的声音,阿憨人也没"趴"在桌上,所以可能是跟毒品有关。
  You think Han's an asian drug dealer? What's he selling, crystal math? 你觉得阿憨是个亚洲毒贩子吗?他能卖什么,难不成还卖冰毒吗?
  Oh, look. Han's coming. Aw, gross! No, no! I meant he's coming this way. 瞧,阿憨来了。恶心死了!不是来高潮!我是说他朝咱们方向过来了。
  Hey, you're running. Don't run, it's Han. 你跑什么,不用跑,那可是阿憨。
  For him, every step we take is like a 100-meter dash. 我们走一步,对他的小短腿就是百米之遥。
  Sorry, you're the one who doesn't want Han to see us. 抱歉,是你不想让阿憨看见我们的呀。
  I just don't want that kind of relationship with him. 我只是不想跟他有那种关系
  You mean the kind of relationship where you see someone you know at the movie theater and say hello? 你是说在电影院撞见熟人,得打招呼的那种关系吗?
  Yeah, I definitely don't want that. 对,我绝对不想这样
  Ladies, may I see your tickets, please? 女士们,我能看一下你们的票吗
  Tickets? Max, do you... 票啊,麦克斯...
  Can I see your tickets, please? I saw you go into another theater. 我能看下你的票吗?我看见你们俩刚去了别的影厅。