打工姐妹花第二季 第39期:阿憨吓得尿裤子(在线收听

   Caroline? Hi, honey. Hello? 卡洛琳。亲爱的。你好啊。

  Honey, I forgot my ticket. He has my ticket. 亲爱的,我的票忘拿了。我的票在他那。
  Han, this nice usher man thinks I snuck Into the theater, so just show him the tickets. 阿憨,这个好心的带位员以为我是溜进影院的,麻烦把票给他看一下吧。
  You two are together? 你们俩是一对吗
  Yeah, why? Oh, it's nothing. 是啊,怎么了?没事。
  It's none of my business, but he just seems too old for you. He's 29. What? 这不关我的事,但他这么老,配不上你吧。他才29岁。怎么可能?
  Uh, I'm gonna have to see you and your girlfriend's ticket. 那我要看一下你和你女朋友的票。
  Uh, I thought I put the ticket in here. 我记得我把我的票放这里了呀,
  Tickets. You put two tickets in there, honey. 你把"我们"的两张票都放里面了,亲爱的。
  Um, okay. I cannot find it. Damn. 好吧。我找不着了。完了。
  Sir, you know that sneaking into a theater's a felony, right? It is? 先生,你知道偷溜进影院是重罪吧?是吗?
  Han, what's that face? It's the same face I made when I peed... Oh, honey. 阿憨,你这是什么表情?我当时失禁的时候,也是这个表情。小宝贝哟。
  How will I live with the shame? 如此奇耻大辱,我以后怎么做人呀
  Well, at least your fanny pack isn't the most embarrassing thing about you anymore. 至少你腰上的小腰包不再是让你最丢人的事物了。