2015年CRI 中纪委明确今年反腐七大任务 北京警方通报反恐成果(在线收听


The Communist Party of China is stepping up its anti-corruption drive, listing seven priorities for 2015.

The CPC's top corruption eradication authority is calling for tighter scrutiny of senior officials and intensified efforts to track down corrupt fugitives hiding abroad.

The Party's internal management and supervision will be tightened up with new rules and regulations.

Another key priority of this year's fight against corruption will target major state-owned enterprises, as more than 70 senior SOE officials were put under graft-related investigation last year.

Police in Beijing have investigated nearly 7400 tip-offs related to terrorism with more than 420 people detained.

Those detainees include suspected terrorists, rumormongers, and those who disseminated terrorist propaganda online.

11 anti-terror drills were also run by the police in 2014.
