2015年CRI 习近平同白俄罗斯总统举行会谈 北京首都机场中跑道月底将大修(在线收听


Chinese President Xi Jinping has met with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko in Minsk, pledging to work on strategies to help the mutual development of both countries.

The President notes the two countries have agreed to firmly support each other when it comes to issues that concern their core interests.

At the same time, Xi Jinping says a Chinese-backed industrial park being built near Minsk is going to help develop the Silk Road Economic Belt initiative.

Lukashenko has pledged full support to the initiative, saying it has a lot of potential.

Xi Jinping is in Belarus for a 3-day state visit, after making stops in Kazakhstan and Russia.

Authorities with the Beijing Capital International Airport have announced the central runway at the airport is going to be shut down for repair work for 5-days, starting on May 23rd.

This is forcing airlines which fly out of the airport to change their schedules.

As such, numerous flights are likely going to be re-directed to Tianjin or Shijiazhuang.

The runway itself, one of three at the Beijing airport, was last serviced in 1996.
