2015年CRI 北京2022年冬奥申办展示在洛桑举行(在线收听


Beijing's presentation room at the Palace Hotel in Lausanne features 3D interactive models of three Olympic venues in Beijing, as well as pictures of Beijing's suburban district of Yanqing and the city of Zhangjiakou in Hebei, which is designated as a co-host city for Beijing's bid.

The display also allows visitors to go on a virtual train ride through the venues.

IOC member Richard Peterkin from Saint Lucia says the technology Beijing has used for the display is very impressive.

"Beijing, as I expected, has much better us of technology. So you're able to get a good (experience) with the virtual reality masks, and experience what it would be like to be in a bullet train. All very clever, and you know, very well done."

AS part of Beijing's plan, there will be a high speed railway network in-place by 2019 which will link the three Olympic areas with trains that can reach speeds of some 350-kilometers per hour.

Beijing's sole competitor for the bid, the Kazakh city of Almaty, has also put on a presentation of its own.

IOC member Alex Gilady from Israel says both potential bidders appear excited about the prospect of hosting the Winter Games.

"For me, it's less important to look at models and videos. I'm more interested in the passion of the people. You can feel that these two bids have people who are driven by great passion. I was also very impressed with the fact that 87 percent of the citizens of Kazakhstan support the Olympic bid and 92 (percent) of the people of China support this bid. So this is a big vote of confidence in the Olympics."

Wang Hui, spokesperson for the Beijing bid committee, says they've achieved what they've set-out to do in Lausanne.

"I think we've been able to effectively communicate and exchange of ideas with the IOC members. We've explained our vision of our bid and I believe the IOC has now learned more about our plan. There are only 50 days before the vote. So it will be critical for us to ensure the bid remains in-order."

The IOC will choose the host city for the 2022 Winter Games during a secret ballot vote in Malaysia on July 31st.

For CRI, I'm Qian Shanming.
