夏洛的网 第184期:凉爽的晚上(4)(在线收听

   As he was dropping off to sleep he spoke to Charlotte. 当它要睡觉的时候,它跟夏洛说话了。

  "Sing me that song again, about the dung and the dark," he begged. “再把那支歌唱一遍给我听吧,关于肥料和黑暗什么的。”它恳求夏洛说。
  "Not tonight," she said in a low voice. “今天不唱了,”夏洛低声说,
  "I'm too tired." Her voice didn't seem to come from her web. “我太累了。”它的声音听上去不像是从它的网那边传来的。
  "Where are you?" asked Wilbur. “你在哪里啊?”威尔伯问道,
  "I can't see you. Are you on your web?" “我看不见你。你在你的网上吗?”
  "I'm back here," she answered. “我在后面这儿,”夏洛回答说,
  "Up in this back corner." “在后面墙角上头。”
  "Why aren't you on your web?" asked Wilbur. “你为什么不在网上?”威尔伯问道,
  "You almost never leave your web." “你几乎是从来不离开你那张网的。”
  "I've left it tonight," she said. “今天晚上我离开了。”
  Wilbur closed his eyes. 威尔伯闭上眼睛。
  "Charlotte," he said, after a while, "do you really think Zuckerman will let me live and not kill me when the cold weather comes? “夏洛,”过了一小会儿它又说,“你真认为朱克曼先生会让我活下去,天气冷了以后不杀我吗?
  Do you really think so?" 你真这样想吗?”
  "Of course," said Charlotte. “当然,”夏洛说,
  "You are a famous pig and you are a good pig. “你是一只大名鼎鼎的猪,你是一只好猪。
  Tomorrow you will probably win a prize. 明天你可能得奖。
  The whole world will hear about you. 全世界都会知道你。
  Zuckerman will be proud and happy to own such a pig. 朱克曼先生会因为有你这样一只猪而自豪得意。
  You have nothing to fear, Wilbur - nothing to worry about. Maybe you'll live forever - who knows? 你不用怕,威尔伯——什么都不用担心。你也许会永远活下去——谁知道呢?
  And now, go to sleep." 而现在,你睡觉吧。”
  For a while there was no sound. 有一会儿寂静无声。
  Then Wilbur's voice: "What are you doing up there, Charlotte?" 接下来又是威尔伯的说话声。“你在那上面干什么啊,夏洛?”
  "Oh, making something," she said. "Making something, as usual." “哦,我在做一样东西,”它说,“跟平常一样在做东西。”
  "Is it something for me?" asked Wilbur. “这东西是为我做的吗?”威尔伯问道。
  "No," said Charlotte. "It's something for me, for a change." “不,”夏洛说,“这东西是为我自己做的。为了变化。”
  "Please tell me what it is," begged Wilbur. “谢谢你告诉我,这是什么东西啊?”威尔伯求它说。