2015年CRI China, US Sign Army-to-Army Dialogue Mechanism(在线收听


China and the United States have signed a framework document in an initiative to establish an Army-to-Army Dialogue Mechanism between the two countries. Experts say this will help bolster the bilateral military relationship.

CRI's Yu Yang reports.

General Fan Changlong, the Vice Chair of China's Central Military Commission, witnessed the signing of the document at the National Defense University in Washington D.C. on the last day of his visit to the US.

The document is the first of its kind in recent years regarding cooperation between the ground forces of the two countries.

U.S. Army General Raymond Odierno says under the new mechanism, the two armies can work better together to deal with common challenges.

"Today marks a new level of military-to-military relationships and dialogue between the United States Army and People's Liberation Army. This signing is designed to strengthen areas of cooperation and help us in order to work through our common challenges. We will strive to build professional ties and deepen an expertise through educational exchanges for officers and soldiers."

The Chinese Ministry of National Defense says the AADM framework is expected to open a new channel for leaders in the two armies to raise and discuss issues of mutual concern, such as humanitarian assistance and disaster response practices. 

Guan Youfei is from the Foreign Affairs Office of the ministry.

"With the signing of the framework document, the two sides are planning to conduct a joint land-based exercise or a military skills competition as early as next year and develop it into an exemplary cooperation mode in the future."

Zhao Xiaozhuo, with the Academy of Military Science, says the framework marks a significant step forward for the two sides to develop military ties.

"Last year, the two sides signed the mechanism for the notification of major military activities and the Code for Unplanned Air or Maritime Encounters. With the endorsement of the framework, the communication mechanism between the two armies will further improve. The framework aims to enhance cooperation while managing risks. It can boost the effort to develop the bilateral military ties in an institutionalized and stable way."

Fan Changlong's week-long trip is seen as part of preparations for President Xi Jinping's state visit to the US in September.

During his visit, Fan has also reaffirmed his commitment to reach consensus by September on the air-to-air annex to the U.S.-China Memorandum of Understanding on the rules of behavior for the safety of air and maritime encounters. 

The new annex aims to reduce the risk of miscalculation or accidents when the two countries` aircraft operate in close proximity.

Meanwhile, China has been invited to take part in next year's Rim of the Pacific Exercise, the world's largest international maritime warfare drill, while Fan has invited U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter for a visit to Beijing later this year.
