2015年CRI 第四届世界和平论坛在北京开幕(在线收听


This is the 4th annual World Peace Forum hosted by Tsinghua University. This year's theme is overcoming difficulties: understanding, consultation and reciprocity.

Chinese Vice President Li Yuanchao attended the opening ceremony this morning at Beijing's Tsinghua University.

He says peace and security are the prerequisite for common development of mankind.

He also stressed that disagreements and differences between countries can be resolved through consultation.

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, former president of Indonesia, speaks highly of Li's proposal and is calling to build mutual understanding through solving challenges together.

"Building peace and security should start by knowing and identifying our challenges. Most importantly, knowing how to overcome those challenges. The next important step is finding and creating opportunities for a stronger and durable peace. Only then would we be able to build a framework and architecture for a comprehensive regional security cooperation."

Other key topics of the forum include security cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region, European and global security cooperation, ASEAN and South Asian regional security cooperation.

Regarding the South China Sea issue, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said at the meeting that some foreign politicians are enthusiastic about playing with the issue for their own political motivations. However parties concerned should all view this in a cool headed and objective way.

"We have full commitment and sufficient ability to solve this issue, we will continue to uphold our legitimate rights and interests in Nansha in reasonable and justified means. And we will continue the cooperation with the ASEAN countries to safeguard the peace and stability of the South China Sea and we will work with all countries on the basis of respect and international law."

Some 500 former foreign leaders and scholars participated in the plenary meeting and panels on different issues.

The forum was first launched in 2012, and is China's top level non-governmental seminar focusing on international security.

For CRI, I'm Min Rui.
