英语角-圆桌会议RoundTable1002 - 国庆长假你是堵在路上还是宅在家呢?(在线收听

   National Day holiday is here! Are you on your way to or have already arrived at your travel destination? The most coveted vacation spots are probably the sand and sea, the mountains and hills, landmarks and relics. But look at all the travelers stuck at train stations, airports, and even tourism sites!

  All that travel chaos has prompted some Chinese to stay at home during vacation time. What are your holiday plans?
  Topic2-Wedding Ceremony Peak During the National Day Holiday
  The weeklong National Day Holiday has become the most sought after time for weddings in China. The holiday this year will be the longest break- eight days because the one more day for Mid-Autumn Festival.
  Are guests willing to attend the wedding ceremonies?
  Topic3-9 ways to make days bright with inspiration
  Inspiration is a sudden stroke of thought when you try to do something. Instinct and the sixth sense are similar words, but they mean a little different. The sixth sense is a feeling that we are born with, same as a sense of taste or smell.
  Inspiration seems important only for artists, but small findings and twists in our everyday life also come from inspiration. Don't leave things you can't do, and think of better ways to accomplish or make things better with inspiration.
  Here are ways to live bright days with such inspiration.