乔布斯传 第351期:苹果坠落(4)(在线收听

   He wanted Amelio to help him return to Apple as the CEO. 他想让阿梅里奥帮助他回到苹果担任CEO。

  "There's only one person who can rally the Apple troops," Jobs said, "only one person who can straighten out the company." “只有一个人可以重整苹果大军,”乔布斯说,“只有一个人可以带领公司走出困境。”
  The Macintosh era had passed, Jobs argued, and it was now time for Apple to create something new that was just as innovative. 乔布斯认为麦金塔的时代已经过去,是时候创造一些新的并具有创新性的东西了。
  "If the Mac is dead, what's going to replace it?" Amelio asked. “如果Mac已死,什么会代替它?”阿梅里奥问。
  Jobs's reply didn't impress him. 乔布斯的回答没能打动他。
  "Steve didn't seem to have a clear answer," Amelio later said. "He seemed to have a set of one-liners." “史蒂夫似乎没有一个清晰的答案,”阿梅里奥后来说,“他好像是有一些零散的想法。”
  Amelio felt he was witnessing Jobs's reality distortion field and was proud to be immune to it. 阿梅里奥认为他正在目睹乔布斯的现实扭曲力场,并且很自豪没有受其影响。
  He shooed Jobs unceremoniously out of his office. 他不客气地把乔布斯请出了他的办公室。
  By the summer of 1996 Amelio realized that he had a serious problem. 到1996年夏天,阿梅里奥认识到他面临着一个严重的问题。
  Apple was pinning its hopes on creating a new operating system, called Copland, 苹果公司把希望寄托在创造一个叫Copland的新操作系统上,
  but Amelio had discovered soon after becoming CEO that it was a bloated piece of vaporware 但是阿梅里奥成为CEO后不久就发现,这只是一个纸上谈兵的东西,
  that would not solve Apple's needs for better networking and memory protection, nor would it be ready to ship as scheduled in 1997. 既不能实现苹果所需要的更好的网络和内存保护,也无法如期在1997年交货。
  He publicly promised that he would quickly find an alternative. His problem was that he didn't have one. 阿梅里奥公开承诺,他将很快找到一个替代品。但问题是,他没有替代品。