乔布斯传 第353期:苹果坠落(6)(在线收听

   This did not please Amelio. 这话让阿梅里奥感到很不爽。

  Apple's chief technology officer, Ellen Hancock, argued for going with Sun's UNIX-based Solaris operating system, 苹果的首席技术官埃伦·汉考克赞成采用Sun公司基于Unix的Solaris操作系统,
  even though it did not yet have a friendly user interface. 尽管它还没有一个友好的用户界面。
  Amelio began to favor using, of all things, Microsoft's Windows NT,  而阿梅里奥居然开始倾向于使用微软的Windows NT操作系统,
  which he felt could be rejiggered on the surface to look and feel just like a Mac 他认为可以做一些外观上的改动,使之看起来感觉就像个Mac,
  while being compatible with the wide range of software available to Windows users. 又能跟Windows用户可以使用的大量软件相兼容。
  Bill Gates, eager to make a deal, began personally calling Amelio. There was, of course, one other option. 比尔·盖茨非常渴望达成这项合作,开始亲自给阿梅里奥打电话。当然,还有另外一个选择。
  Two years earlier Macworld magazine columnist (and former Apple software evangelist) Guy Kawasaki 两年前,《Macworld》杂志的专栏作家(前苹果软件布道者)盖伊·川崎 ,
  had published a parody press release joking that Apple was buying NeXT and making Jobs its CEO. 曾经发表了一篇模拟新闻通稿,开玩笑说苹果即将收购NeXT,然后让乔布斯担任CEO。
  In the spoof Mike Markkula asked Jobs, "Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling UNIX with a sugarcoating, or change the world?" 文中模仿迈克·马库拉问乔布斯:“你想把下半辈子用来卖裹着层糖衣的Unix,还是用来改变世界?”
  Jobs responded, "Because I'm now a father, I needed a steadier source of income." 乔布斯同意这项收购并表示:“我现在是个父亲了,我需要一个稳定的收入来源。”
  The release noted that "because of his experience at Next, he is expected to bring a newfound sense of humility back to Apple." 文章评论说,“由于他在NeXT的经历,人们期待他会把一种从未有过的谦卑感带回苹果”。
  It also quoted Bill Gates as saying there would now be more innovations from Jobs that Microsoft could copy. 文章还拟引了比尔·盖茨的话说,现在会有更多乔布斯的创新可以供微软抄袭了。
  Everything in the press release was meant as a joke, of course. 当时这篇新闻稿里所有的话都是玩笑。
  But reality has an odd habit of catching up with satire. 但是现实总有一个奇怪的习惯,要追上嘲讽的步伐。