乔布斯传 第355期:向库比蒂诺蹒跚前进(2)(在线收听

   For Jobs, the contest against Be was both professional and personal. 对于乔布斯来说,跟Be的竞争亦公亦私。

  NeXT was failing, and the prospect of being bought by Apple was a tantalizing lifeline. NeXT已在走下坡路,被苹果收购是一根救命稻草。
  In addition, Jobs held grudges, sometimes passionately, and Gassée was near the top of his list, 另外,乔布斯是很记仇的,加西在他心里几乎是最大的仇人,排名甚至比斯卡利还高。
  despite the fact that they had seemed to reconcile when Jobs was at NeXT. 尽管他们在NeXT的时候似乎已经和解了。
  "Gassée is one of the few people in my life I would say is truly horrible," Jobs later insisted, unfairly. "He knifed me in the back in 1985." “加西真是个邪恶的家伙,”乔布斯后来说,“他是我这辈子认为真正邪恶的少数几个人之一。1985年他在背后捅了我一刀。”
  Sculley, to his credit, had at least been gentlemanly enough to knife Jobs in the front. 而斯卡利至少还是个绅士,是从前面捅他刀子的。
  On December 2, 1996, Steve Jobs set foot on Apple's Cupertino campus for the first time since his ouster eleven years earlier. 1996年12月2日,史蒂夫·乔布斯在时隔11年后,再次踏上了苹果位于库比蒂诺的土地。
  In the executive conference room, he met Amelio and Hancock to make the pitch for NeXT. 在管理层会议室,他向阿梅里奥和汉考克展示了NeXT。
  Once again he was scribbling on the whiteboard there, 又一次,他在那块白板上狂写乱画,
  this time giving his lecture about the four waves of computer systems that had culminated, at least in his telling, with the launch of NeXT. 而这次他是在讲计算机系统的4次浪潮,以及NeXT作为这次浪潮的顶点出现。
  He was at his most seductive, despite the fact that he was speaking to two people he didn't respect. 他尽其所能吸引着听众,尽管事实上他面对的是他并不尊重的两个人。
  He was particularly adroit at feigning modesty. 他尤其擅长伪装谦逊。
  "It's probably a totally crazy idea," he said, but if they found it appealing, “可能这是个完全疯狂的想法。”他说,但是如果他们感兴趣,
  "I'll structure any kind of deal you want--license the software, sell you the company, whatever." “我愿意设计任何一种你们想要的合作方式--授权软件,把公司卖给你们--哪种方式都行。”