2015年CRI 11 Officials under Investigation and 12 Detained over Tianjin Explosions(在线收听


The Supreme People's Procuratorate is investigating 11 officials and port executives for allegations of dereliction of duty and abuse of authority.

Li Wensheng is heading the investigation.

He says they've found numerous causes for possible prosecution.

"Through our investigation, the special probe has found serious dereliction of duty in the licencing, approval, management and supervision of many administrative and supervision departments in Tianjin, including the municipal transport committee, the work safety bureaus and port authorities. We have opened official files and cases against the officials involved."

The 11 officials being investigated include the director of the Tianjin Municipal Transportation Commission, the former deputy-director of the Tianjin Municipal Communication, Transportation and Port Administration Bureau, the director of the Port Administration Office and the vice-head of the Tianjin Bureau of Work Safety.

Li Wensheng says their investigation process involves three steps.

"First, we investigate and collect evidence into the 11 suspects. Secondly, we will continue looking for more clues into what caused the blasts and put all suspects involved in the case under investigation. Third, we're also looking into possible embezzlement and bribery."

At the same time, police have officially arrested 12 people connected to Ruihai International Logistics.

This is the company which owns the warehouse which stored the chemicals involved in the explosion.

Those arrested include Ruihai's chair, vice-chair and three deputy general managers.

They have been charged with illegally storing dangerous materials.

An inspector with the company which gave Ruihai the original safety approvals has also been taken into custody.

Meanwhile, five state-owned property developers in Tianjin have formed an alliance to purchase apartments damaged in the explosion.

Zong Guoying with the Binhai New District Committee says those who choose not to sell will also be given help.

"After the apartments are fully inspected, we'll work out a detailed plan. Depending on how badly the apartments are damaged, we'll decide whether or not to repair them or demolish them. We promise the government will provide compensation."

The official death toll from the explosions currently stands at 145.

Nearly 30 others are still listed as missing.

For CRI, I'm Yu Yang.
