2015年CRI Chinese RVs Highlighted at Beijing International RV Exhibition(在线收听

Chinese RVs Highlighted at Beijing International RV Exhibition

More than one thousand RVs from over one hundred prominent domestic and international RV manufacturers are being displayed at the exhibition.

The Chinese RVs on display include one that can tow a sedan and that has an extendable balcony and living room.

Wang Jidong is the founder and CEO of 21 RV.

"This is the first Chinese RV that can tow a sedan. We are standing in the RV's living room. Both the left and right sides of the living room can be extended for 80 more centimeters. The right side also has a balcony that can be opened when the RV is not moving."

Recreational vehicles have kitchens, bathrooms, and sleeping facilities. The ones being built domestically typically are less-than six meters in length and the average price tag is around 400-thousand yuan, which is equivalent to about 62-thousand US dollars.

Designed for leisure activities such as vacations and camping, RVs are gaining popularity in China.

However, a citizen surnamed Liu, who bought an RV at the exhibition event, says he will use his as a mobile office.

"I will make the RV into a moveable photography studio. It will be much easier to meet my customers and show them what I am capable of. It also can serve as a mobile media for advertising and marketing."

RVs have long been a popular trend in western countries. In the US, the modern RV industry has been around since the late 1920s.

An Qingheng, an industry insider, says the RV market here in China is growing.

"China currently produces about 10-thousand RVs per year, and there are around 21-thousand RVs nationwide. Of course, that is far less than the number of RVs in the U.S. and European countries, but the market is gaining momentum. We believe RV sales will increase by 60 to 70 percent annually over the next few years."

Experts say that with declining manufacturing costs due to the growing market, and the introduction of western technology, the prices of domestic RVs will see a substantial drop in the near future.

For CRI, this is Wang Wei. 
