打工姐妹花第二季 第46期:为拍节目做准备(在线收听

   Well, if we're making an audition tape to be on a reality show called, 如果我们要给名为"世界最不舒服T恤"的

  "The world's most uncomfortable T-shirt," We have already won. 真人秀拍试镜带,那我们已经赢了。
  Yes, I could have gotten us a more expensive shirt at American Apparel, 我是可以买更贵的衣服,例如去AA美国服饰店买,
  but then we would just look like people pretending to be poor. 但那样只会让我们看起来像装穷。
  And 13, and probably in the sex trade. 估计还像卖淫的13岁屁孩。
  I cannot believe you used your flat iron to put these letters on. 我没想到你居然省到用直发器来把图案给烫上。
  Well, I can't believe you once used it to make a panini, but...that's what happens now. 我也不敢相信你会用过这来压三明治啊,但你还不是做了。
  Where's the scissors? I gotta give this thing some flave. 剪刀呢?我要给这衣服加点风采。
  Max, what are you doing? 麦克斯,你在干嘛?
  Crew necks are for squares and Mormons. 圆领衫是给乡巴佬跟摩门教徒穿的。
  Oh, cute! Should we do mine? 真可爱,我该学你吗?
  I don't know. If you have no car, why open the garage? 我不知道。内里无"车",何须打开"车库"?
  So, I thought we'd shoot it over here in our adorable, scrappy, low-income kitchen. 我觉得我们就站这里拍,在我们有爱,凄凉,又穷酸的厨房里。
  Why are you talking like that? 你干嘛这么说话?
  Because that's our brand. I've watched a ton of Cupcake Wars, and it's a lot about branding. 这就是我们的品牌风格啊。我看了无数集决战小蛋糕之巅,打出自我品牌是很重要的一环。
  And what are we? The girl who knows how to make cupcakes and the girl who doesn't? 那我们是什么?会做小蛋糕的女孩加不会做的女孩组合吗?
  Max, I'm not worried about that. You'll just tell me what to do, like you always do, 麦克斯,我才不担心这个。你会告诉我怎么做,就跟往常一样,
  and we'll be the two scrappy girls with so little you can't help but love them. 然后我们就扮演两个凄凉穷苦的女孩,哪有观众会不心疼我们啊。
  I hate them already. 我已经开始讨厌这俩妞了。