乔布斯传 第358期:向库比蒂诺蹒跚前进(5)(在线收听

   Amelio knew that bringing Jobs back into the fold would be a double-edged sword, 阿梅里奥知道,让乔布斯重回苹果是把双刃剑,

  but the same was true of bringing Gassée back. 但是让加西回来也面临同样的问题。
  Larry Tesler, one of the Macintosh veterans from the old days, recommended to Amelio that he choose NeXT, but added, 一位早年间麦金塔团队的老员工拉里·特斯勒向阿梅里奥建议选择NeXT,但是他加了一句:
  "Whatever company you choose, you'll get someone who will take your job away, Steve or Jean- Louis." “无论你选择哪家公司,你都会面临着自己的地位被人取代--史蒂夫或让-路易。”
  Amelio opted for Jobs. He called Jobs to say that he planned to propose to the Apple board that he be authorized to negotiate a purchase of NeXT. 阿梅里奥选择了乔布斯。他给他打电话说,自己计划向苹果董事会提请授权他谈判NeXT的收购事宜。
  Would he like to be at the meeting? Jobs said he would. 他问乔布斯是否愿意参加会议,乔布斯说愿意。
  When he walked in, there was an emotional moment when he saw Mike Markkula. 当乔布斯走进会议室,看到迈克·马库拉那一刻,场面很是动情。
  They had not spoken since Markkula, once his mentor and father figure, had sided with Sculley there back in 1985. 马库拉曾经是他的导师,就像他的父亲一样,但自从他1985年站在斯卡利一边之后,他们就再也没讲过话。
  Jobs walked over and shook his hand. Jobs invited Amelio to come to his house in Palo Alto so they could negotiate in a friendly setting. 乔布斯走过去跟他握手。乔布斯邀请阿梅里奥去他在帕洛奥图的家里谈判,这样可以有个友好的环境。
  When Amelio arrived in his classic 1973 Mercedes, Jobs was impressed; he liked the car. 阿梅里奥开着经典的1973年款奔驰车出现,乔布斯对此印象深刻。他喜欢这部车。
  In the kitchen, which had finally been renovated, 在装修过的厨房里,
  Jobs put a kettle on for tea, and then they sat at the wooden table in front of the open-hearth pizza oven. 乔布斯烧水泡茶,然后他们在比萨炉前的木头餐桌边落座。